Portal Walkthrough Chamber 17

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  1. Portal Test Chamber 17 Walkthrough
  2. Portal Walkthrough Chamber 15 Video

In here we have a big button that opens the exit door, which is up on a ledgethat you can't reach right now. There is a weighted cube on a light bridge,but the cube is blocking a laser. There's a laser receptacle on the wallacross from it. When you take the cube away, the laser goes into thereceptacle, which makes a platform near the exit door go up.First make a portal at the end of the light bridge and another portal thatyou can walk into.

Portal Test Chamber 17 Walkthrough

Walk along the bridge to reach the cube.There is a portal directly behind you that you just came out of. You wantthat portal to stay there.Notice that on this same wall, there is another white spot that can takeportals. If you make a portal on that wallfor the light bridge to come out from, the light bridge will be goingdirectly over the big red button. Do that.Take the cube and go through the portal behind you. Put the cube on thelight bridge such that it's blocking the laser and is directly abovethe big red button.Jump down to the floor and stand on the moving platform near the exitdoor. Now create a portal of the color that the light bridge iscoming out of. You can create it next to the portal that thelight bridge is going into.This will make the cube fall onto the big red buttonwhile simultaneously unblocking the laser.


Portal Walkthrough Chamber 15 Video

This will cause the platformthat you are standing on to rise up, and the exit door will be open.

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