How To Add In Excel

The SUM function in Excel allows you to add up the values in a range of cells. However, sometimes you only want to add up the cells that meet certain criteria. That's where the SUMIF function comes in handy, along with the more capable.There are two common scenarios for using SUMIF:.

How To Add In Excel

You want to add up all the cells in a range that meet a certain criteria, e.g. All cells in a range (e.g. Sales) that contain a value of $500 or higher.

You want to add up all the cells in a range where the cells in another range meet a certain criteria, e.g. Add up all cells in a column (e.g. Sales) where the cells in another column (e.g. Quantity Sold) is 5 or more.SUMIF function syntaxThe SUMIF function has the following syntax:=SUMIF( range, criteria,sumrange). range is the range of cells you want to add up. Download cd enya the very best of enya. It is required for the function to work.

criteria is the criteria which must be met for a cell to be included in the total. It is also required.

sumrange is the range of cells that will be added up. It is optional; if you leave it out, Excel will check the criteria against the sumrange. In the two examples above, the first example doesn't need you to provide a sumrange, while the second example does.One of the tricky things when constructing a SUMIF function is how to present the criteria. Here are some examples to help you:.To add up all values that equal 500: enter 500 as the criteria. Excel knows you want to match cells with a value of 500.To add up all values that are greater than 500: enter '500' as the criteria.

Notice the use of quotation marks around the criteria. You'll get an error if you leave those out.To add up all values that are greater than or equal to 500: enter '=500'.SUMIF in action - adding up all sales that are greater than a certain number.The following example is a simple way to demonstrate SUMIF in action where we won't include the criteriarange argument. We welcome your comments and questions about this lesson. We don't welcome spam. Our readers get a lot of value out of the comments and answers on our lessons and spam hurts that experience. Our spam filter is pretty good at stopping bots from posting spam, and our admins are quick to delete spam that does get through.

We know that bots don't read messages like this, but there are people out there who manually post spam. I repeat - we delete all spam, and if we see repeated posts from a given IP address, we'll block the IP address. So don't waste your time, or ours. I have a spreadsheet with columns I Actual year to date, j budget year to date and 12 columns M to X with each months budgetIs there a way I can fill column j with the sum of correct rows ie m period 1, m and n period2, m,n,o period 3 etcI had thought of adding a month no at the top of each column so that if col j row1 had 2 then col j row 5 would add m5+n5 row 6 would add m6+n6 and then increase as i change the month no at the top of row jAny easy way to do this???ThanksRicky.Submitted by Visitor on Sun, - 01:11. HiFirst of all, this is exactly the right place to ask a question. Happy to help!In answer to your main question, yes you can do what you're asking. By putting your criteria value into a cell, you can then reference that cell when you write your SUMIF formula.I've created a simple example to illustrate how this might work.I've included column C in the picture because it includes a copy of the formula I used in cell B2.Essentially, this formula references cell B1 to find the criteria for the SUMIF.

In this case it's using Mary. However, I've designed this spreadsheet so you can type any one of the names from the list and the correct sales figure will be calculated. The name in cell A2 will also adjust to reflect the name in cell B1.One final comment. You should check out the. A PivotTable would be perfect in this scenario for creating a table showing all sales people and the total sales they have made.Please let me know if you need any more help.RegardsDavid. Hi there,These last few questions get REALLY close to what I'm trying to do. Using this particular example, let's say you wanted to find the total sales of every salesperson whose name starts with M.

Is it possible to refer to a cell that has a full name (say, Mary) to get the 'M', then use that 'M' as the criterion for summing?I realize the wildcard. function would work for this, if I just put 'M' in a cell and used that; unfortunately I'm using larger identifiers, and lots of them-I'd love to be able to refer to a cell that has part of the RANGE text somehow. The real data would look something like this:RANGE343896496432001bCRITERIA01SUM RANGE11Thanks for any help you can offer!Liz. Thanks for the quick reply, David!This solution is interesting. I like it, but I'm having trouble getting it to work with my numbers-they're alphanumeric, not sure if that's the problem?

There's an error that reads, 'The formula contains unrecognized text.' That said, I did find a solution: shifting my search range over to a column in which I had removed the final character from each row of the original search range, using left(cell, len(cell)-1). This way, if I have two IDs that are identical but for a final -a or -b at the end, the new column just shows the same ID twice; and then, the SUMIF function finds both and sums them. Less elegant, but it works.-liz. So using the example above I've gotten very close to where I need to be except I am looking for multiple criteria.

So what If I want to add Mary AND Olga? How do I put the second criteria in? I've tried sumifs but cant seem to get it right. Using the example below I'd like to know how many entire galleries I've sold so I would need criteria b2, b4 and b5.A B1 6 activity clock with home collection2 1 activity clock with entire gallery3 1 routine teacher with school collection4 3 routine teacher with entire gallery5 7 Entire gallery6 4 Routine teacher with home collection7 3 home collectionsetcThe other way to do it might be to make the criteria a 'text'. Like any cell that contains 'entire gallery'. Whichever one is easier to get my spreadsheet to say I sold Entire galleries.

Any help you can provide would be great. I have already gotten so much further than I would have because of your guidance.Kelly.Submitted by Leila Smith on Mon, - 18:55. Hi, I don't think this is answering the question that was asked. I believe I have the same question, if I am not mistaken.Lets say the spreadsheet is evaluating sales per employee throughout the day:A B1 $45 Mary2 $60 Ronald3 $100 Terrance4 $78 Mary5 $5 Mary6 $51 Terrance7 $105 Ronald89 Total ofMary'sSales1011nWhat formula should be written in A9 to add together only the values in A1 to A7 where the text in Column B says 'Mary'?In other words, how do we make a formula that adds together only Mary's sales: $45, $78, $5If that is not what the original poster was asking, I would still like to know. Thank you!. I'm building a CRM in Excel and want to keep track of where my company prospects are coming from (Walk In, Cold Calls, etc.).

I have a column named source and each row represents a client. I'm trying to create a chart that will show which source is proving to be the most effective.For the chart, I know I have to create a separate set of cells with a numerical total. What I want is for that total to be automatically calculated by using, what I suppose, is a SUMIF function. However, I cannot figure it out. In other words, for my 'Walk In' total, I'd like that numerical cell to be updated whenever I had a new client to the column that shows the source of the prospect.To simplify my question: Column 'E' holds all the different sources. Cell H3 will hold the total # of 'Walk In' prospects I have, to be calculated by how many times I have 'Walk In' in Column 'E'.

If there are 9 cells with 'Walk In' in Column 'E', I'd like for cell H3 to show that by a function.Thanks for any help/advice you can give!. Hi ChuckOne option is to create another column in your spreadsheet next to the date field and use the Month function to determine the month for the date in the cell next to it, e.g.:=MONTH(A2)Note that the MONTH function returns the number of the month, e.g. 9 for September, 10 for October etc. It doesn't distinguish between different years, so the MONTH function would return 9 for both September 2012 and September 2013.If you have the following columns you could then use the SUMIFS function to calculate what you're after:. A2:A10 contains the date. B2:B10 contains the month number. C2:C10 contains the cost center number.

D2:D10 contains the purchase valueThe function would look like this:=SUMIFS(D2:D10,B2:B10,9,C2:C10,201)Note that I've used 9 as the third argument since I want to add up purchases in September. 201 is the cost center that I want to find the sum for.(opens in a new window)The other option is to use a Pivot Table. This would quickly give you a report that showed purchases for each cost centre, broken down by month.

You could just easily get a report by month broken down by cost centre. The advantage of a Pivot Table is that you wouldn't need to add a separate column to calculate the month. You can read, and read the lesson on here.Finally, shows how to use SUM in an array formula to do something similar to what you are trying to do. I've tried applying it to your requirement without success (so far) but if I find a solution I'll let you know.RegardsDavid- See more at:.Submitted by Cory on Mon, - 22:11. Hi CoryIf this was my spreadsheet, I'd have an additional column that has the rate for each employee.Let's say you have these columns:. Column A has the name of the employee. Column B has the rate for that employee.

Columns C-I have the day of the week (i.e. The hours worked by that employee. Column J has the sum of columns C-I, which will be the total hours for the week. Column K has the amount each employee is to be paidIn column J, I'd have this formula to calculate the hours worked for the employee in row 3:=SUM(C3:I3)In column K, I'd have this formula to calculate the amount due to that employee:=J3.B3I might also consider combining columns J and K into one with this formula:=SUM(C3:I3).B3Hopefully that helps?David.Submitted by cindy on Wed, - 06:25. Hi David, not excel savvy at allrefereeing to the following extract out of my spread sheetStockCodeDescriptionAbcClassMtdQtySold12 mnt AveQtysold 3 mnt AveQtysold QtyOnHandQtyOnOrderSupplierWarehouseMinimumQtyREORDER QTY30065190MM BASKET STRAINER WASTE 0302950FRANKEJB0-0MM BASKET STRAINER WASTE 083370FRANKECT1-36I have created this spreadsheet using ODBC( we are using syspro) but the fields it pulls from is warehouses.

I would like this sheet to show the total all values per stock item, not per warehouse. Will sum if work hereregards Cindy.

Hi CindyMy guess is that you'd be better off using a Pivot Table to do this. I'm assuming your spreadsheet has lots of rows, lots of stock codes, and multiple warehouses.

Keeping track of all of those with SUMIF formulas is going to be a nightmare! A Pivot Table will help you make sense of this data much more easily, and will give you a lot of options for slicing, dicing and reporting your data in different ways.You can (opens in a new tab). They will all be relevant to what you're trying to do. You can use the techniques covered in the lesson to group your data by Warehouse rather than by Date (although Pivot Tables will let you do both at the same time!).RegardsDavid.Submitted by Tim on Tue, - 20:25. Hi TimSounds like you simply want to add up the number of names in the column. Try one of the COUNT functions:. COUNT will count the number of cells in a range.

COUNTA will count the non-blank cells in a range. COUNTBLANK will count the blank cells in a range.

COUNTIF will count the number of cells in a range that meet the criteria you specify. COUNTIFS extends COUNTIF to support multiple criteria.You can, and I've got the other functions on my 'lessons to write list', although they are fairly straightforward.RegardsDavid.Submitted by MAGGIE on Thu, - 11:43. I am using a SUMIFS formula to bring back actual spend for contracts and purchase orders. Here is my current formula:=SUMIFS(COGNOS!$AN$2:$AN$10000,COGNOS!$AG$2:$AG$10000,D7,COGNOS!$AH$2:$AH$10000,E7,COGNOS!$AI$2:$AI$10000,F7)My 'sum range' is in one column on my COGNOS tab (COGNOS!$AN$2:$AN$10000) which is a dump of all actual spend from our reporting system. My 'criteriarange1' is in another column on my COGNOS tab (COGNOS!$AG$2:$AG$10000) which looks to the contract number in the dump of actual spend. My 'critera1' is on my project reporting tab which has a list of the contracts and purchase orders so it looks to cell D7 on that sheet (column D being contract number).

How To Add In Excel

My 'criteriarange2' is in another column on my COGNOS tab (COGNOS!$AH$2:$AH$10000) which looks to the contract release number in the dump of actual spend. My 'criteria2' is on my project reporting tab and looks to cell E7 on that sheet (column E being contract release).This part of the formula is working fine. I want it to return the sum of actuals based on the contract number AND release number. However, I need to figure out how say OR this PO #. So it is a contract or PO on each line in my project report.So it will look to 'criteriarange3' (COGNOS!$AI$2:$AI$10000) which is PO # in the dump of actuals and then look to see if there is a match on the project report tab which is column F.How can I tell the formula to look for contract & release OR PO# in the three different columns?If you need more information, please let me know. Thanks so much for any help!!!!!. I have a spreadsheet to track contracts.

Within my spreadsheet I am trying to sum the costs of contracts if one of 3 columns is marked yes (the columns indicate specific criteria about the contract holder and I simply put a Y in the column if the attribute is appropriate). The problem is, for any given contract the there could be marks in any one to all three of the columns. The formuals I have been able to figure so far, will add the contract mulitple times if mulitple colums are marked for each contract. Any suggestions?.Submitted by Brigitte on Tue, - 02:05. I am needing a different formula for the cells AG-AM.

I want to be able to put in 0.5 all the way up to 8 in front of the letters to designate how many hours of each type of leave are being used. For example, if on the 1st and 2nd I used 2 hour of illness, I want to be able to put just 2I in and have them total at the end of the month in the I column to read 4. Is this possible?

How To Add In Excel Spreadsheet

Right now, it only works if I put I in the columns and then it adds that up, but sometimes I don't have people taking full days off. They may only take a couple hours at a time. Thank you for the help!.Submitted by William Wong on Mon, - 10:23. Since I haven't used it in a while, I was looking for a refresher on the use of the SUMIF function and came upon yours. Your statement 'range is the range of cells you want to add up.

It is required for the function to work.' Is wrong or at least misleading. It is rather 'the range of cells that you want to apply the criteria against' (per Microsoft). Also, you're too loose or inconsistent with your terms. In your 2nd example for instance, your Col C is referred to as 'sales quantity' (per title), 'Sales Amount' (per header for table), and 'sales value' (per second bullet point).Submitted by Sunil on Tue, - 21:33.

How to add cells in excel

How To Add In Excel 2010

Don’t confuse the borders that you add to accent a particular cell selection with the gridlines normally used to define cell borders in the worksheet — borders that you add are printed whether or not you print the worksheet gridlines. You can remove the display of gridlines by clearing the View check box in the Gridlines section of the Page Layout tab.Follow these steps to add cell borders:.Select the cells you want to format.Click the down arrow beside the Borders button in the Font group on the Home tab.A drop-down menu appears, with all the border options you can apply to the cell selection.

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