Divinity 2 Crash To Desktop

  1. Divinity 2 Trompdoy
  2. Divinity 2 Crash To Desktop Windows 10
  3. Divinity Original Sin 2 Crash To Desktop

Hey guys,yesterday my game constantly crashed to desktop before I could even finish the character creation. I got an error message that said something like 'Unable to load texture' and 'Device unplugged' or something, as if I was pulling my graphics card out of my PC while playing.(Has it gotten so bad now that developers require you to keep you graphics card plugged in the ENTIRE time? That's the worst!)Jokes aside: When I tried to reproduce the error today, I got to play for five minutes before the game crashed to the desktop again, this time however without displaying any error message.So, is my graphics card broken or is it something with the game? I am sorry I can not give you more information on this, but the game just passive-aggressively crashes without saying anything. Will update this thread if I get an error message again.Cheers! Utuzuu: I got an error message that said something like 'Unable to load texture' and 'Device unplugged' or something Have you tried other DirectX 11 games? This could be a hardware issue (in which case other, similarly demanding games should also be affected), or a driver problem.Check for updated graphics drivers and Windows updates in general.If you check the Event Viewer, does that give an error code or 'Faulting Module' file name that might help identify the cause of the crash?- click Start (or WinKey-R), then type 'event viewer' into the search box.

In Windows 10, 'event' should bring up 'View event logs'.- after starting the Event Viewer, expand 'Windows Logs' in the left column and select 'Application'- in the center column, look for a recent error (maybe sort by Date and Time) for the game- check the information under the 'General' tab below the list of events, starting with 'Faulting application name.' Especially if the faulting module name is something graphics related, you can try a clean re-install of the graphics drivers. See, for example.Before that you could try just resetting your graphics driver's 3D settings to default (right click an open area of the desktop to start the nvidia Control Panel or ATI Catalyst Control Center).Are you shutting down all non-essential programs (especially anti-virus) before starting the game? Firewalls can cause conflicts (generally on startup or loading screens, though) and overlays from graphics tweaking/monitoring programs or chat programs can also caused issues.Have you tried lowering the graphics settings and resolution, or switching to Windowed or Fake Fullscreen display mode, to see if that would make a difference? Aroundsix events or so were created with the crash. All of them are Live Kernel Event, no application is named form what I can see.


Divinity 2 Trompdoy

Divinity 2 Crash To Desktop

Divinity 2 Crash To Desktop Windows 10

However, the combination of 'NV' often appears at the beginning of filenames, so its probably the nVidia driver that's crashing.I also got the error message again:'Failed to create texture!ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D failed!Error: DXGIERRORDEVICEREMOVEDDescription: Hardware device removed.' Well, I assure thee by solemnly swearing that I did not remove my graphics card while playing.;) I hope this error message helps you out if it is something wrong with the game itself. If something is wrong on my machine, I will have to look into that, but on another day. Thank you for taking the time to explain this. Is there maybe some valuable infirmation I might be able to extract via dxdiag?At this point this doesn't seem to be a problem others are experiencing, so I assume the problem is with my machine, not the game. I will try re-installing the drivers and all the usual stuff once I got more time. Utuzuu: ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D failed!

Divinity Original Sin 2 Crash To Desktop

Try disabling texture streaming (that is the main cause of reloading textures). This may also improve performance, but increases memory usage, so could cause stability issues on systems with only 4GB RAM.

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