Soal Tik Kelas 5 Microsoft Word

Micros oft ex cel is a prog ram in tended for pr ocess ing. Dat a and imag e 2. Here ar e the t erms that ex ist in the Mi croso ft excel, exc ept. Wor ksh eet b. Wor kbo ok d. Han gin g ind ent 3. The calc ulatio n can b e done on a M icroso ft excel 2 000, is.

On 3 Feb rua ry 19 00 u nti l 15 sep tem ber 9 999 b. On 3 Fe bru ary 10 00 un til 15 s epte mbe r 999 9 c. On 3 Feb rua ry 19 01 u nti l 15 sep tem ber 9 999 d.

On 3 F ebr uary 1 900 unt il 15 s epte mbe r 900 0 4. T oolb ar which fun ctions to d isplay t he addres s cell is active an d its conte nts. Ti tle bar b. Formatt ing bar c.

Status bar d. Formul a bar 5. Here are t he step s to act ivate th e prog ram at Mi croso ft Micro soft ex cel is.

Microsoft excel 6. The fol lowin g comm ands a re all th ere on t he edit menu, but.


Displ ay settin gs work sheet that s hows o nly a page tha t has been fil led with th e data is don e. F i l e v i e w c. V i e w p a g e b r e a k p r e v i e w b. V i e w n o r m a l d.

Soal Tik Kelas 5 Microsoft Word Problems

F o r m a t p a g e b r e a k p r e v i e w 8. T h e n a m e s a r e s e q u e n t i a l l y i c o n i s. Cop y, pa ste, ne w, u ndo, o pen b. Cop y, pas te, u ndo, ne w, op en c. Cop y, pa ste, Re do, new, o pen d.

Cop y, pas te, R edo, pre view, op en 9. In addit ion to th e object fo rmat can al so be co pied wi th the com mand' s icon. Writing a fractional number of data that is correct. Writing data d ate and time below that is not true. 1 5 / 9 / 1 9 9 0 c. 9 / 1 5 / 1 9 9 0 5: 2 0: 0 0 A M b.9 / 1 5 / 2 0 0 8 d.

0: 0 0: 0 0 12. How to block a whole line is to press the button. C t r l + S p a c e s c.

C t r l + S h i f t + S p a c e s b. S h i f t + S p a c e s d. A l t + C t r l + S p a c e s 13.

Date and time inclu ded in the group d ata. If we select the entire worksheet th at is, and then typing the data and data.

W ill app ear on sh eet 1 c. W ill app ear on she et 2 b. Wil l appear on the active sheet d. Wil l appear on all sheets of the selecte d 15. F2 key on the keyb oard to use for. Acti vate the cell c. Cha nge the mod e to be cell typ e b.

Cor rect cell d. Rem ove the ent ire cell 16.

Click on the file select open or can also click the icon on the toolbar is a stan dard step by step. Ope nin g the wor kbo ok c. Cop yin g file s b. Tur n of f exce l pro gra m d. The exc el pro gram 17. T o provide a basic color or shading in the worksheet created called.

Pro tect ion b. = (A6 + B6 + C6 + D6 + E6), wh en written with SUM command is. = SU M (A6, B6, C6, D6, E6) b. = SUM (A6: B6) d. = SUM (6 (A, B, C, D, E)) 19. Here's ho w out of the Microso ft Excel is. F i l e C l o s e c.

F i l e s a v e a s b. F i l e e x i t d. F i l e g i v e a n a m e F i l e c l o s e 20. T o insert a line above the full line is selected, insert in the dialog box we select. Shift cells right b. Entire row c. Shift cells down d.

Entire colum n 21. Collection of som e of the worksheet is. Form ula bar c. W ork boo k 22. Sub-menu in the menu insert (office 200 7) that functions to make Clip Art is. T o zoom in and out in the do cument display screen via a sub menu u se print preview. T o determine the quality of the prints you want, w e can do this by selecting the.

Pri nt qua lity b. Por trai t c. Pap er siz e d.

Lan dsc ape 25. Range as the title of the column will be repeated o n each printed page is called. Pri nt area c. Col umn to rep eat at left b.

Pri nt titl e d. Row to rep eat at top 26. Determine the amount of the desired page by clicking on the b utton called options to fit.

Adj ust to d. Pag e set up 27.

Activate the graph chart-click-click-select option titles - click OK - click outside the box graph is. Cha nge the typ e of gra ph c. Crea te gra phs b. Mak e a gra ph titl e d. Mov e the gra ph 28. Used to ma ke the title of axi s is called.

Tab gri dli nes b. Tab tit les c. Tab dat a rang e 29. Used to insert a li ne. Ent ire row 30. Orientation that is used to select the portrait is.

V e r t i c a l b. H o r i z o n t a l c. C o l u m n d. C e l l s 31. Function to print the entire spreadsheet that is used in the b ook is called.

Sel ecti on d. Ent ire wor kbo ok 32.

Function to print a spreadsheet to a printer th at is. Pa ge br eak pr ev ie w b. Pr in t pr ev iew d. T o end the print preview (office 2007) can b e done with the command. A line is printed at the bottom of the pag e is.

Writing cell address Here is the correct. T o create the graph, the table that need to be blocked for is. Ent ire tab le c. The tit le of the tab le all rig ht 37.

Note the p icture b elow! If we press the Ctrl key + the position of the cursor will move to the cell. T o separate parts of clipart images that have been inserted into the document is to do.

Gro up all 39. W orksheet so that the selected tersalin on the dial og box Mover or copy, the selection is to be activated. Crea te a cop y b. Mov e or cop y c.

T o print the entire s preadsheet that is currently active. Num ber of cop ies b. Acti ve she et 41. How to activate the menu to set the page orientation? S e l e c t F i l e, t h e n c l i c k P a g e S e t u p c. S e l e c t F i l e, t h e n c l i c k O p e n b.

S e l e c t F i l e, t h e n c l i c k N e w d. S e l e c t F i l e, t h e n c l i c k S a v e 42. Where the menu inclu des related editt ing? C o p y, C u t, P a s t e c. N e w, C u t, P a s t e b. N e w, O p e n, P a s t e d.

N e w, O p e n, P r i n t 43. Here is a program that is used to calculate a num ber other than Microsoft E cxel a. M i c r o s o f t P o w e r p o i n t c. M i c r o s o f t P a i n t b. O p e n O f f i c e.

O r g W r i t e r d. O p e n O f f i c e. O r g C a l c 44. The first procedure is to insert a file that came from Microsoft W ord into Microsoft Excel is. Clic k the I nse rt me nu, c lick the s ub me nu Ob ject b.

Clic k the In ser t men u, cli ck th e sub m enu P ict ure.

Tes tik immersi semester 2 kelas 8 2013.1.PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN CILACAPDINAS PENDIDIKAN PEMUDA DAN OLAHRAGASMP NEGERI 1 MAJENANGJalan bhayangkara No. 40 KP 04,  (0280) 621203 Kab.Cilacap 53257TEST OF SEMESTER IILESSON YEARS 2012/2013Lesson: Information Technology and CommunicationClass: VIII gradeDate: Saturday, 8ndJune 2013Time: 09.30 – 11.00A. Choose the Correct Answer by Crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!1. The right procedure to activate excel program is a. Start – Open – file documentb. Start – Open – Microsoft Excelc.

Start – all program – Microsoft Office – Microsoft Exceld. Start – all program – Microsoft Excel – Microsoft Office2. The software below is spread sheet program, excepta. Lotus 1.2.3 c. Open office calcb. Microsoft Excel d.

Microsoft Outlook3. Icon shortcut which is used to open the Microsoft Excel is a. The use of Microsoft Excel can be found below, excepta. Make a brosur c.

Calculating the statistic problemb. Do the accounting program d. Calculating the mathematics5. The part of excel screen which contains the menu of the program Microsoft Excel 2007isa. Scroll bar d. Toolbar standard6. The sum of tab in Microsoft Excel 2007 isa.

The sum of cells in worksheet of Microsoft Excel is.a. 256 x 65536 c. 256 x 66536b. 265 x 65536 d. 265 x 655368. Consider the toolbar below!It is the kind ofa. Standard Toolbar c.

Formatting Toolbarb. Drawing Toolbar d.

Picture Toolbar9. Consider the toolbar below!It is the kind ofa. Toolbar standard c.

Toolbar formattingb. Toolbar drawing d. Toolbar picture10. The function of icon shortcut in drawing toolbar isa. To Insert Diagram c. To Insert fileb.

To Insert Word Art d. To Insert PictureIMMERSION PROGRAM OF SMP NEGERI 1 MAJENANG 2012/2013 1.11. Consider the picture below!The arrow line in the picture is.a.

Formula bar c. Tittle bar d. Scroll bar12. Icon shortcut which is used to save the document isa. The combination of keyboard below is used to close Microsoft Excel, excepta.

Click File – Exit c. Click Exit Excelb. Click Close d.

Ctrl + Alt + Del14. Shortcut Icon which is used to open the documents isa. The right procedure to add symbol Rp in excel program is a.

Click format – cells – number – accounting - symbolb. Click cells – format – number symbolc. Click Format – cells - symbold.

Click Format – cells – date - accounting16. Consider The procedure below:1. Click Chart2. Block the data3. Click Insert4. Option/typeThe right procedure which is used to make the chart isa. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 c.

2 – 3 – 1 – 4b. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 d. 3 – 2 – 1 – 417. Consider the display beside. Display in the box is sub menu format cells of.a numberb alignmentc fontd Border18. The hotkey which is used to copy the data isa. The combination of icon which is used to move the data or document isa.

Standard toolbar which is used to preview the worksheet before it is printed is.a. C.IMMERSION PROGRAM OF SMP NEGERI 1 MAJENANG 2012/2013 2.b. Consider the table below!The average of ”Nilai TIK Dhina” can be found in Cell.a. The keyboard button which is used to edit contain of cell isa F1 c. Icon shortcut which is used to make new document in the Microsoft Excel file isa. Consider the toolbar below!Toolbar which is used to insert text box is shown in number.a. Consider the picture below!Icon which is used to print the file in Microsoft Excel isa.

Toolbar which is used to arrange data from smallest into biggest number or value isa. Consider the toolbar below!The icon which is used to merging the selectioncells into one then centering the data in the newcombined cells is shown in numbera.

Consider the page setup menu beside. Menu which is used to select the size ofpaper is.a. PortraitIMMERSION PROGRAM OF SMP NEGERI 1 MAJENANG 2012/2013 31 2 3 41 2 3 4.b. Jurassic world the game ankylodocus.

Print Quality29. Consider the picture beside. The picture shows the use of.a. Semi absolute cellsb. Relative cellc. Semi relative cellsd.

Absolute cells30. Consider the toolbar below!The name of picture which is shown by arrow line is.a. Status bar c. Vertical scroll barb.

Horizontal scroll bar31. Icon which is used to change the font become underline form is shown in numbera.

Icon shortcut which is used to delete the data in excel program isa. Icon which is used to add the number in a range of cells isa. Consider the toolbar below!Toolbar number 4 is used for.a. Insert the text box c.

Insert The artistic wordb. Insert the picture from file d. Change the color of font35. Consider the display beside. The procedure to change the width of row from 10,71into 5 isa The pointer of mouse is dragged to rightb The pointer of mouse is dragged to leftc The pointer of mouse is dragged to topd The pointer of mouse is dragged to bottomIMMERSION PROGRAM OF SMP NEGERI 1 MAJENANG 2012/2013 41 2 3 4.36. Icon which is used to make a chart in Microsoft Excel isa.

Consider the display beside. The type of chart beside is a barb linec pied column38.

The sign for formula of multiplication calculations in the Microsoft excel isa. The formula which is used to find the largest number in a range of cells is.a. The formula which used to counts the number of chosen data a range cells is.a. The function of formula =sum in the Microsoft excel is.a.

Adds all the numbers in a range of cellsb. Find the average the numbers in a range of cellsc. Find the smallest number in a range of cellsd. Counts the number of chosen data42. The function of formula =AVERAGE(B1:B10) is.a. Finds the average of cells B1 through B10b. Find the average of cells B1 and B10c.

Find the highest number in a range of cellsd. Counts the sums of number of data43. The function of statistic formula =MIN is.a. Finds the average in a range of cellb.

Find the smallest number in a range of cellc. Find the highest number in a range of celld. Counts the sums of number of data44. Consider the table below!The corrrect formula to fill ”the total of CPU” is.a.

Consider the table below!IMMERSION PROGRAM OF SMP NEGERI 1 MAJENANG 2012/2013 5.The statements below is true, except.a. The formula for cell G3 is =SUM(C3:F3)b. The formula for cell C8 is =MIN(C3:C7)c. The formula for cell H5 is =AVERAGE(C5:G5)d.

The formula for cell E9 is =MAX(E3:E7)B. Mention 3 groups in the tab home of Microsoft Excel!47. Mention 3 icons in standard toolbar and their function!48. Describe the procedure to delete the row!49.

Mention the function of:a. Consider the table below!a. The correct formula for number 1 isb. The correct formula for number 2 isc.

The correct formula for number 3 isIMMERSION PROGRAM OF SMP NEGERI 1 MAJENANG 206.The statements below is true, except.a. The formula for cell G3 is =SUM(C3:F3)b. The formula for cell C8 is =MIN(C3:C7)c. The formula for cell H5 is =AVERAGE(C5:G5)d.

The formula for cell E9 is =MAX(E3:E7)B. Mention 3 groups in the tab home of Microsoft Excel!47. Mention 3 icons in standard toolbar and their function!48. Describe the procedure to delete the row!49. Mention the function of:a. Consider the table below!a. The correct formula for number 1 isb.

The correct formula for number 2 isc. The correct formula for number 3 isIMMERSION PROGRAM OF SMP NEGERI 1 MAJENANG 206.

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