Msts Train Simulator Download

  1. Msts Train Simulator For Pc

This site has been created to cater to the ever-increasing world of fans of Indian Railways.Train simulators are computer games which allow you to gain the experience of driving trains first hand. The major simulator games for trains are “Microsoft Train Simulator”, shortened as MSTS and “Railworks”. Both have their merits and demerits and the choice is largely personal. However, MSTS has a huge amount of content for Indian scenario while Railworks has very little.

Msts Train Simulator For Pc

Msts Train Simulator Download

So all the content here is for MSTS, others could be added as available. This is available in the “” section of our site. MSTS was released in 2001 and is not freely available. Please see our forums for further information for getting it. Railworks is available and has many versions.Once you acquire MSTS and are successful in playing it, the next step is to download Indian content for use therein. The section has the tutorials to help you with it. It also has tutorials covering advanced aspects like creating content, etc.

One thing we would like to bring to your notice is that in Vista and Windows 7 there is a problem of ‘read-only’ permissions of files. So in case you are having these operating systems, please go through the tutorial of “Installing Indian train simulator”Exploring this site and viewing content is unrestricted, however, to comment in forums needs registration. Is free but mandatory.

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