Configurate Netwrix Reporting Services


Configurate Netwrix Reporting Services Scam


Windows lumia 735 case. SQL Server Reporting Services is becoming increasing popular to produce reports with data from SQL Server or Analysis Services. Keeping that data secure in an internal or external environment is a must. In this article, we will walk though how to configure SQL Server Reporting Services 2016 and enable SSL with a self-signing certificate.PrerequisitesYou will need the following to configure SSL on SQL Server Reporting Services.SQL Server Reporting Services Native Mode and SQL Server Database Engine 2016 installed.Trusted or Self-Signing Certificate (Instructions for Self-Signing Certificates are below)Generate a Self-Signing Certificate with PowershellTo setup SSL for SQL Server Reporting Services 2016 we will need to generate a certificate. If you already have a certificate from a trusted authority, you can skip this step.

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