Skyrim Lock On Mod

Mass effect ship size comparison. Video games aren't left out, either; Eve Online, Halo, Dead Space, and Starcraft are also featured in the massive chart.

  1. Skyrim Lock On Mod

Unfortunately those suggestions didn't work. I've decided to delete all mods, NMM, Skyrim and Steam and all the folders in my Windows Explorer in attempt to start fresh. I will post my results once I have them.

Skyrim Lock On Mod

I don;t really know what else to try. I have access to the 'Data Files' tab in the launcher it's just totally empty.

SkyrimSkyrimSkyrim Lock On Mod

The Skyrim.esm file isn't even there. I figure there must have been a corruption somewehere or maybe the NMM wasn;t communicated properly.

I am fairly new to mods. The last game I modded was Oblivion, hahaha.Thanks for the help, though, guys.

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