Race War Kingdoms Guide

,The noble warriors of humanity employ both a strong military and powerful magics in the defense oftheir shining kingdoms. Both knights and wizards fight side by side on the field of battle againstthose who would threaten the sanctity and peace of the Alliance. Although the Alliance has all butfallen apart, the valiant citizens of Azeroth and Lordaeron have once again taken up arms against theenemies of humanity.The Orcs, who once cultivated a quiet Shamanistic society upon the world of Draenor, were corrupted bythe chaos magics of the Burning Legion and formed into a voracious, unstoppable Horde. Lured to theworld of Azeroth through a dimensional gateway, the Horde was manipulated into waging war against thehuman nations of Azeroth and Lordaeron. Hoping that the Horde would conquer the mortal armies ofAzeroth, the Burning Legion made ready for its final invasion of the unsuspecting world.The reclusive Night Elves were the first race to awaken in the World of Warcraft. These shadowy, immortal beings were the first to study magic and let it loose throughout the world nearly ten thousand years before Warcraft I.

The Night Elves' reckless use of magic drew the Burning Legion into the world and led to a catastrophic war between the two titanic races. The Night Elves barely managed to banish the Legion from the world, but their wondrous homeland was shattered and drowned by the sea. Ever since, the Night Elves refused to use magic for fear that the dreaded Legion would return. The Night Elves closed themselves off from the rest of the world and remained hidden atop their holy mountain of Hyjal for many thousands of years.

As a race, Night Elves are typically honorable and just, but they are very distrusting of the 'lesser races' of the world. They are nocturnal by nature and their shadowy powers often elicit the same distrust that they have for their mortal neighbors.The horrifying Undead army, called the Scourge, consists of thousands of walking corpses, disembodied spirits,damned mortal men and insidious extra-dimensional entities. The Scourge was created by the Burning Legionfor the sole purpose of sowing terror across the world in anticipation of the Legion's inevitable invasion.The Undead are ruled by Ner'zhul, the Lich King, who lords over the icy realm of Northrend from his frozenthrone.

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Ner'zhul commands the terrible plague of undeath, which he sends ever southward into the human lands.As the plague encroaches on the southlands, more and more humans fall prey to Ner'zhul's mental control andlife-draining sickness every day. In this way, Ner'zhul has swelled the ranks of the already considerableScourge. The Undead employ necromantic magics and the elemental powers of the cold north against their enemies. Document.write('

Anyone know a good RPG browser game to play? Preferably one with out turns/energy/ticks/time or real time (like Syrnia every action you do starts at like 100 seconds and ticks down, which is boring to me), just something I can keep playing without having to worry about all that. Or if it does have turns then they replenish fast.

I play Kingdom of Loathing, but I barely do anything on that and looking for something different to play also.Shimlar (very good, except because with the resets it isn't fun to play) and racewarkingdoms used to be fun, but RWK has a horrible community and is blocked on my pc and Shimlar resets every 1-3 month, which I want an rpg thats persistent and does not reset. And not anything like runescape, I don't want a huge map covering my screen, I just want it mostly text with maybe some pictures or none at all.This is mostly so I can play with my friend who has a sucky pc and super bad internet and has no way to download any game at all, I dont even think his pc/internet can handle runescape, he can log on but he said its super super laggy for him. Even on a newly installed computer when he reformatted.Anyways, anyone know any good games like what I described? I can't find many browser rps that don't have turns or something lame like that. Me and my friend just want to keep playing and not be forced to stop.Thank you very much:). You didn't read my original post did you:P (quoting: ) No worriesThis is what I'm looking for.I'll just actually say what a MUD isAchaea is considered a MUD, multi user dungeon. Log on and you'll see a night and day difference compared to race war kingdoms.

Race War Kingdoms Guide List

Achaea you type everything in and its a lot more RP centered. RWK is played in one page and all you do is click things and talk with people. Its fun to waste time in.

Its hard to explain actually, but if you play both of those for a few min, you'll see a browser based game and a MUD are a lot different.You can google search crimson moon too which I play at the moment, energy replenishes every hour which is nice. But anyways, you'll see its a lot different than Achaea, but a little bit similar to RWK but as various page links to go to. But both MUDs and browser games are played very differently.1. Text based with some graphics or just text. Not a MUD, I'm talking about games like Torncity/race war kingdoms/ Kingdom of Loathing/ Crimson Moon/ Shimlar.2. Not Runescape, because it as too many graphics and is played on a huge map, two problems.

Race War Kingdoms Guide

My friend as I said in the original post cant play anything with a lot of graphics, his PC is like being in the stone age and cant even play Tibia. Another is, I like games like crimson moon/shimilar/RWK better, they dont have any graphics (except RWK as some) and just text. Dont get this mixed up with a MUD so, like I said its different.3. If it as turns/energy/ticks then it be nice for them to replenish every hour like crimson moon or every 30min.I hope that explains it better:).