Far Cry 2 Buddy Death

After publisher Ubisoft and developer Crytek parted ways, Crytek kept their engine and went on to create, while Ubisoft retained the name rights to and went on to develop Far Cry 2, a sequel in terms of a that has the player take the role of one of a dozen mercenaries working in a war-torn African nation, playing both sides while hunting a notorious arms dealer known as the Jackal.The game lacks the mutants and sci-fi aspects of the original Far Cry, instead opting for a darker, morally ambiguous and minimalist story inspired by Joseph Conrad's and Frederick Forsyth's. Far Cry 2 features a completely game structure. There are no levels, and the game takes place in a 20 square mile area (or over 50 square kilometers) that the player can explore freely, traveling on foot, via vehicles, or by riding buses from station to station.

Gameplay is downright, featuring several gameplay features that serve to heighten the tension of combat. Weapons break at absurdly high rates, forcing the player to switch out their guns and or replace them frequently, and even before they break the weapons can sometimes jam in the middle of a firefight. Combat is fast, brutal, and difficult, with the enemies blending into the environment almost as well as you do and cover being able to be shot through depending on the thickness.


Fire spreads dynamically and is a weapon in and of itself, capable of taking care of entire environments on its own. The player is also stricken with malaria, which cripples them in combat and requires the player to take pills to stave off the effects. Overall, the game is designed to avert, and while it can lead to a difficult and frustrating experience, the level of immersion presented by these mechanics is unrivaled.

Far Cry 2 Buddy Death

Far Cry 2 shows examples of the following tropes:.: Three female unplayable mercs (Michelle, Flora and Nasreen) qualify.: Mostly averted with real weapon names, save the Desert Eagle ('Eagle.50'), Star Model-P ('Star.45'), and whatever the 'Homeland 37' is (named as if it's an Ithaca 37 but missing that weapon's distinctive lack of a separate ejection port). The Jackal: Funny how guys get shot because they're too afraid to die, and then they're lying there dying, and they're too afraid to live. Idiots.: In addition to explosive ammo piles and fuel tanks, dry grass catches on fire very easily. This can be exploited for useful diversions or simply clearing a whole checkpoint with a couple of well placed shots.

Indeed.: Seemingly the only reason for the addition of the flare pistol to a game loaded to the brim with flammable materials, besides to call enemy reinforcements. Possibly meant to have more of a role had the game been shipped fully made. For a more straight-up usage of this trope, one of the weapons you can have in the first weapon slot is an IED.: The Arms Dealer can furnish you with an infinite number of pristine weapons, despite the fact that everyone else in the country is carrying beat-up wrecks.: The Jackal is supposed to be an arms dealer, but he's never seen actually doing anything to that effect.: The Jackal is modeled after his voice actor, Dwayne Hill.: Combined with. The game ends with everybody dead. The faction leaders, your mercenary buddies (you kill most of them), and presumably you and The Jackal as well. The final diary entry made by your character even reads 'It's done.


Far Cry 2 Buddy Death Video

Everybody's dead.: Everyone who's playing the game turns into a pyromaniac pretty quickly. The game takes place in African savannah and jungles where highly flammable foliages are everywhere, and once fire starts, it spreads quickly. Fire can be started by, damaged oil/natural gas storages, molotov cocktails, flamethrowers, explosions, rocket backblasts, flares. Additionally, you can start fires to burn down enemies or distract them, allowing you to sneak in, escape, or gun down the panicking enemies.

If you find yourself in the middle of a savannah far away from your objective, you'll find yourself throwing molotov cocktails around just for the hell of it.: Nobody in the safe areas seems to care about you looting their medical cabinets or walking around with dozens of rough-cut diamonds which presumably belong to someone. They do care if you try to steal their diamonds, though.: A non-violent example, and you have to help these people every now and then to obtain medicine to avert your illness. It's revealed that the Jackal has been helping these people all along, by playing the warring sides against each other.: There are three levels of map; the overall map, the current grid map, and for some areas a special mini-map for that area. You can guarantee that if an area has such a map, it's because a mission is going to take place there at some point.: This is heavily implied to happen to whoever makes the diamond delivery during the ending, though the game cuts away before the player can see if the character actually went through with it.

The Jackal: 'That gun in there is a good piece, never jams. One shot is all you'll need. You're a terminal case, same as me, but at least we can do something about it.' .:.: The three APR mercenary lieutenants (Greaves, Quiepo, and Purefoy) are noticeably friendlier and less abrasive that their UFLL counterparts (Voorhees, Kankaras, and Carbonelli). Ultimately all of them turn out to be just as ruthless and self-interested as the rest, however.: At one point in the beginning of Act 2 the player must ride a riverboat as it floats slowly across the middle of a lake while being fired on from all angles, having to swap between manning the turret to kill the attackers and tightening the Not Exploding Bolt while taking fire himself. On hard difficulty the outcome is completely determined by when the gunboats decide to turn up and how close to the riverboat they come. On Infamous difficulty this mission is widely believed to be impossible.

It helps a bit if you know where the RPG and mortar users are, and that all the turrets on the boat are grenade launchers.: In a to the original, the player gets a machete as their melee weapon. Essentially, it's become the signature weapon of the series.: Most things not made of explodium are made of flame protardant burnium carbonate. The guns in particular: even the tranquilizer gun manages to go up in a huge fiery explosion in its failure animation.: You can do this to your buddies, either by use of your pistol or overdosing them with syrettes if they've been wounded too many times.: Discussed by the Jackal in one of his tapes. Description at Level 4: People believe I'm the Devil himself.

Heard a rumor that I eat my victims and I prefer wounding rather than killing outright. Just for the fun of it. The Jackal, in his first interview tape with Reuben, suggests, but the image.: Despite the actions of the and The Jackal, the conflict continues in spite of the remnants of the UFLL and the APR attempting to form a government and Reuben's story is ignored by the world press.:. When you're given a mission by one of the two major factions, one of your buddies will often phone you up and suggest additional objectives that will supposedly benefit one or both of you (as well as unlock upgrades for your safe houses). Complete these objectives, however, and This happens every single time. The game's plot basically amounts to this. The opening journal entry suggests that it's a simple enough job, until the player succumbs to malaria and has to go looking for information on The Jackal, getting dragged deeper and deeper into the conflict.: Not too far from the first town is a slaughterhouse filled with animal carcasses, meat hooks, bones.

And hostile soldiers that shoot trespassers on sight. So the place is either being used by the factions to supply their fighters with food or people in Leboa-Seko just prefer their ham and bacon to be seasoned with gunpowder and a splash or two of human blood.: The handguns are surprisingly useful at long range, particularly the Makarov and its silenced 6P9 variant.

Ghost-sniping (using the monocular or a sniper rifle scope to aim, then switching to a different weapon to shoot exactly where you aimed) works in this game as well.: Both your character and buddies. And The Jackal definitely fits the bill too.: The Jackal's all over this.: Guns from the Arms Dealer gradually get better as the game goes on, though some wear out faster to balance this.: To. The developers of Far Cry 2 have stated that it was meant to be a sequel in spirit, not in plot.: Generally speaking, the game's story can go one of two ways, depending on the faction affiliation of the lieutenant that saves you at the beginning of the game. If you're saved by the APR lieutenants Arturo Quiepo or Walton Purefoy, at the end of Act 1 you'll assassinate APR second-in-command Prosper Kouassi at Goka Falls on behalf of the UFLL, then you'll be saved by APR merc commander Nick Greaves in the desert after the UFLL betrays you, then kill UFLL second-in-command Dr.

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