Pokemon Crystal Map Editor

Note: I no longer work on this project. You can get the source code here: It was not optimized or as efficient as it could've been. Do not learn from it.Welcome to the thread that has long since passed its expected posting. However, I decided I don't want to work on the editor much anymore, so rather than hold it off, I'll post it. It has been tested thoroughly and should be bug-free. If not, the credits lists my MSN (Or you can always post bugs here).So what is JohtoMap?


Pokemon Crystal Map Editor Online

It is, in my opinion, the best level editor built for the Gold and Silver games to-date. It was developed in C# and uses the.NET Framework 2.0. Well, after reading feedback from more place than one, it looks like a lot of people who knew what they were doing were a little disappointed. I created this editor for two reasons:1. I needed a project at the time, plus this was a big learning experience for me.2.

People, including myself, were stuck with Gold Map. It couldn't get the job done at all, and I'm no fan of doing things at a low level. I feel tools are supposed to be made so others don't have to go through your frustration. Even if this does mean there will be little/bad hacks being made because of this, it isn't something to get worked up about. It seemed Gameboy/Color hacking was dieing, and atleast this way some of the real games will get attention. So what if someone makes a low-effort hack with this?

That just means don't play it. Those who actually know what they're doing will be the ones who make a new title worth looking at.It also came to my attention that people think that those who have made good hacks worth looking at will feel less appreciated. The wall flac torrent.

Keep note that JohtoMap can only edit uncompressed things, and some not even very well (Like connections. The only way you can get proper values is by having experience with an emulator and memory viewing).

Pokemon game editor map editor

It can't edit assembly, or compress and insert new graphics, and even if it could, so what? That just means more time can be spent actually creating new content, which is a win for everybody.

Sorry, your browser either has JavaScript disabled or does not have any supported player.You can or to play the clip in your browser.Data for an unused base cry can be found in the ROM at 0xF35D3. This isn't referenced by any pointer table, therefore there is no ID associated with this base cry. This is a leftover from, where it's also unreferenced.A cry using this base can be played using the following Game Genie codes, replacing Marill's cry:. 76D-899-2AB. 09D-889-D5A. 75D-869-5D7. EED-859-2AD.


75D-839-5D7. D3D-829-A21.

XXB-D09-E6E (upper length value). XXB-CF9-6EA (lower length value). XXB-CE9-E6E (echo value). XXB-CD9-806 (pitch value)Examples: 0x00 in every code in the bottom group of codes, except for 0xFF as the lower length value, gives a cry like in the sound clip embedded above. There is an unused title screen in the data that does not reboot the game after the music ends, unlike the final title screen. Part of the title is constituted by sprites, which partially cover the logo.

It is programmed at the beginning of bank 43 (address 0x10C000) and is complete with tilesets, palettes and loading functions.

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