Hell Talon Chaos Fighter Bomber


The Hell Talon is a fighter-bomber that is used by the Forces of Chaos, and is a relatively recent addition to their arsenal.The Hell Talon represents one of the most resounding technological successes of the Dark Mechanicus; it is a sleek and deadly dagger-shaped aircraft held aloft by vector-thrusting jet engines which make it incredibly fast and impressively nimble.The Hell Talon is a swift and ruthless killer both in the atmosphere of a planet and in the void of space.Website:Twitter:Facebook.


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Email notifications for threads you want to watch closely. Being a part of the oldest wargaming community on the net.If you are already a member then feel free to. Kanluwen wrote:Is this serious?Hellblades already have rules for 40k. Now comment on the rules I have posted, not on the ability of the FW Hellblades ability to be used in a 'standard' game.So what do you think? Ott?I think they're garbage rules. You say you 'buffed' the Hellblade for him, but really all you did was make it easier to destroy.

Hell Talon Chaos Fighter Bomber

Sure, it has 2 points higher armor on front/side and the points cost is 10 points less.but it will be immobilized/destroyed relatively easier since it can be fielded in squadrons and it's only a skimmer. You also left off the anti-aircraft mount that is the whole bloody reason people would field the Hellblade. It's not a bomber. It's not even really a ground support aircraft like the Thunderbolt/Lightning can act as. It's an air superiority fighter.And 'stealth'?

Why the hell is 'stealth' on it? It has stealth due to it being an are superiority fighter, its incredibly fast, so if it needs to redeploy quickly it has a 3+ cover save. At this point, you're really just reaching with justifications for the special rules. If the fighter's going to be flying low enough to gain cover saves or engage targets with the autocannons(which are centerline mounted, requiring the fighter to be pointed directly at the target), it sure as hell won't be moving fast enough to 'quickly redeploy'.

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It would likely have its vectored engines active, and be operating like a helicopter-making it really easy to be taken down.If you want to let him use it, just man up and use Apocalypse/ IA. There's absolutely nothing wrong with using flyers in standard games of 40k, especially if it's just friendly games.

Kanluwen wrote:At this point, you're really just reaching with justifications for the special rules. If the fighter's going to be flying low enough to gain cover saves or engage targets with the autocannons(which are centerline mounted, requiring the fighter to be pointed directly at the target), it sure as hell won't be moving fast enough to 'quickly redeploy'. It would likely have its vectored engines active, and be operating like a helicopter-making it really easy to be taken down.If you want to let him use it, just man up and use Apocalypse/ IA. There's absolutely nothing wrong with using flyers in standard games of 40k, especially if it's just friendly games.Son. You really dont have a clue what your talking about, I have tried to be civil with you, but you continue to be rude.

Please refrain from posting further.Thank you. Well that didn't go well did it mate.I am the person that triggered this thread by buying a hellblade. Nick Ellingworth wrote:Well that didn't go well did it mate.I am the person that triggered this thread by buying a hellblade. I'm perfectly happy to use the Forgeworld rules but there are a lot of people in the store I play in who immediately whine about flyers being owerpowered, how I'm being a WAAC gamer (and I'm not a tournament player unlike most of them!) and all the usual gripes about anything forgeworld.Nick, are you just springing it on them out of nowhere? Because that's what gets a lot of people. Kanluwen is entirely correct about using Flyers in non-apocalypse scale games of 40K.Seeing as how the Hell Blade is a non-standard model and vehicle type (flyer), it requires an expansion ruleset to use it in 40K. As Kanluwen already mentioned these expansion rules are included in the Imperial Armor book that the Hell Blade is featured in, Imperial Armour Volume 6.

I will not divulge all of the expansion rules for using flyers in 40K as I'm pretty sure that is against forum rules but in a basic sense, the rules have the flyer doing strafing runs during the opponent's turn. It does take some careful reading to properly understand but the resulting gaming experience is fantastic. Since the flyer makes its attack during the opponent's phase, the opponent has an opportunity to gun it down during its run before it can peel off to safety until the next turn.If you are going to use flyers in 40K you don't need to create your own special rules and doing so would likely rob the flyer of most of its cool factor in being a flyer. As Kanluwen previously stated, you just need those brief expansion rules and you are good to go. It really is the best way to use a flyer in 40K and it doesn't make them overpowered as their resilience is accounted for when Forge World decided on the points cost.

Nick Ellingworth wrote:Well that didn't go well did it mate.I am the person that triggered this thread by buying a hellblade. I'm perfectly happy to use the Forgeworld rules but there are a lot of people in the store I play in who immediately whine about flyers being owerpowered, how I'm being a WAAC gamer (and I'm not a tournament player unlike most of them!) and all the usual gripes about anything forgeworld.Nick, are you just springing it on them out of nowhere? Because that's what gets a lot of people.Nope, I always give advance warning about what army I'm bringing and 90% of people I play know exactly what I'm bringing (I use all comers lists). So the compromise was to write some rules which would let it be used as a skimmer, for some reason the same whiners would let me use unofficial rules but not the real ones despite the fact that Formosa and I could easily make it even more overpowered than they claim the flyer rules make it.I find that the usual gripes and whines go away if you let them use the FW rules for an item in their own army for a game. It lets them see just how vulnerable the thing is.I'm perfectly happy to play against forgeworld stuff or super heavies (the latter with warning of course) in a regular game and I always make that perfectly clear. Personally I want to use the proper rules for it.

Hell Talon Chaos Fighter Bomber Rules

I suppose the best thing I can do is turn up with two lists one with the Hellblade and one without. If my opponent is a whiny moron I won't use it, if they are up for something interesting, different and entertaining then I'll use it.If someone's going to whine about a 130 point, 10/10/10 twin-linked Autocannon delivery platform that is slightly hard to hit: they're not worth playing against.Probably true. Plus to use the Hellblade I'll be removing a Defiler which is a much more powreful unit. Nick Ellingworth wrote:Well that didn't go well did it mate.I am the person that triggered this thread by buying a hellblade. Nick Ellingworth wrote:Well that didn't go well did it mate.I am the person that triggered this thread by buying a hellblade.

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