Hearts Of Iron 4 Germany Strategy

Contents OverviewGermany is one of the most powerful countries, with a strong military, great economy in most respects, excellent tech teams, and good events. For those players wanting to command a military juggernaut without too much concern for political or domestic subtleties, Germany is a natural choice. Her economy and technology are good enough to support a variety of different strategies, while she starts scenarios and is led by events into a dominating strategic position, all under an autocratic government that has little restriction on using the full weight of the nation's resources in any way seen fit.Scenarios 1936 Military ArmyGermany begins with a strong army, but not one that greatly eclipses its larger neighbors. Both and have armies capable of matching or exceeding German numbers.

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  2. Hearts Of Iron 4 Germany Walkthrough
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Hearts Of Iron 4 Germany Best Strategy

For information on topics that are temporarily banned, please view our. Temporarily banned:. Content that breaks the spirit of these rules may be removed at moderator discretion. Huge paradox fan, and total HoI4 noob. Recently got into HoI4 with my friend.

For the time being we are messing around as axis (Germany & Italy) and things are going decent. However, on our next play through I would like to understand Germany better, especially knowing what to build and when.Can any of you offer your tips or links to info that you've found helpful in building a German juggernaut? (I'm aware of the sticky, but many of the videos come from quite old patches and I don't know how that impacts things.)I would also appreciate anyone's thoughts:.I read that Germany's strength is greatest at the beginning of the war, since afterwards it slowly gets eclipsed by the allies economic capabilities. Should I be rushing France or Poland early?.Should I be waiting for units to train fully before deploying them?.Germany's divisions are pretty sweet to begin with. What do you do with the army xp after a while? After getting optimal 20 width divisions, I was dumping xp into support companies for everyone but then my support equipment requirements skyrocketed and I don't know if I can keep up with demand.How do I increase my supply to units in the pocket of Prussian territory?.Heavy tanks - yay or nay?.What are military buildup goals for fall 1939? I feel like I'm way behind.I appreciate any help!.

Hearts Of Iron 4 Germany Walkthrough


I haven't played HoI IV in weeks so it's kinda hard to remember exactly what I did back then. Moreover I think they nerfed the MEFO bills with the DLC. So take everything I say with a grain of salt.I never build infra in Germany. Doing the second strategy I usually start by queuing max CIV in all states. Once it's done and I've got more slots with research I queue max dockyards in coastal provinces, and fill up the reste with CIV or Refineries depending how I feel about my overall strategy.

By puppeting Hungary and Romania you get enough MIL and Oil to sustain an early war industry. As you stated, the airforce is quite 'small' but you are able to built a war industry in time. It's more than enough to crush Poland and France, and with 300CIV you will be able to fill the two countries with MIL factories in no time.I only used the second strategy once in MP, but we had no Soviet player so I was able to keep a small land army through the early game. Best Strategy for the Reich has not been mentioned yet so I'll fill you in.

There are three basic principles you want to go by if you are looking for a world conquest or domination.1. Delay WW2 till 1940-41 to get a huge MEFO bonus2. Keep World Tension down3. Use 40 width divisionsFirst, you want to delay ww2 as long as you possibly can. The bonus you get from MEFO bills is insane and the small amount of PP you lose is minimal. You want to take this advantage and build as many Military Factories as possible.

You don't need civ factories as you will get those from focuses and the ai once you invade them. Another reason why you invade later on is that the ai usually has completed the focuses giving them bonus factories which you will take from them when you annex them.Keep WT down. Some times when you play with ai this is difficult but you should not add WT unless its needed to unlock other parts of your focus tree. Even them you want to wait for the wt to decay before taking another focus that adds world tension.The magic number is 5% WT. This is where the UK and US have major focuses unlocked that will allow them to surpass you late game. Eventually they will be able to take these focuses when you spike WT with WW2 but you will delay their effectivness.40 width Divisions.

These divisions are the all-round champs that will will do the most damage for the least cost.Your goal for the focus tree is to complete the focuses that give you factories first, then industry, then allies, and then finally war goals.To answer your other questions,-TrainingWait till your units are 100% trained to deploy them. The only exception to this are Police units since they won't be doing any fighting.-SupplyBuild infrastructure highways cross country-Heavy TanksCurrently these shouldn't be used unless you are going for realism. Heavies are about 30% better than mediums but cost twice as much. They are also a bit slower and as Germany you want to be able to blitz across the Plains of Europe.-Military Build UpMake guns, arty, and tanks in abundance. You will need them when the war starts.

Military Build Up (Naval)Pick a doctrine and stick with it. I reccomend building only super-heavy battelships and pooling them together in preperation for sealion.-Case AntonAn addition to naval which is essential for a sealion-When you capitulate France setup vichy france.-You will get a nation decision called 'case anton' where you can invade vichy france.-If you get to Toulon within two days of declaring war you will capture the french fleet.-To do this setup paradrops around and on Toulon.-As a backup have modified panzers rush Toulon in case your paradrop op fails.Well thats my two cents but good luck and have fun. My first round as facist Germany in WtT I did not risk trying to take out France early with paratroopers as usual (because they have fixed it, though I didn't confirm). So I only attacked the netherlands, to satelite Indonesia for cheap rubber for planes. Since a war will end the MEFO stuff, I waited long enough to nearly do all the annexation foci (spamming out divisions to get the required army in the field), to compensate for the losses of industry. It was late 37.Then I planned to start the war at the historic date (more or less). I think I had around 1,2 million men in the field, only one tank army who had about 5 tank divisions (light tanks), the rest motorized infantry.

Trained enough paratroopers to basically land them all behind the maginot line, to be ready to cut it off when I do around the Maginot and rush through Luxembourg to connect the paratroopers and encircle the maginot line. Then rushed with tanks to paris with minimal resistance. France falls and then garrisoned it against naval invasions (which I did with indonesian colonial troops(inf only, no support companies)) and planned an invasion of england in the port near Hamburg to right above Hull.I did not produce any additional ships but tons of planes (fighter and cas). When the Invasion is ready I moved 2 inf armies and the rest of the tank army I planned the invasion with to the port near Hamburg.

Then assigned all my planes to the sea zone where hull is, sned my fleet protect convoys in both sea areas to be able to start the invasion, started it, then send my fleet to seek and destroy the british in the hull sea zone. I did not assume I would actually defeat the brits but only to hold them off until hull is captured and enough armies to take britain down are transfered, but in my game I actually managed to rout the brits with acceptable losses.Britain then falls pretty quickly. The allies were capitulated in mid 40, untouched remained canada, south africa, new zealand and australia though, as usual. From there you should have a strong enough position to take on the soviet union no problem. Beware though now you have satelited indonesia and malaya, Japan will attack these and with that you if you don't diplo annex them before 42.Regarding your questions:. Answered in my strategy.

usually yes but to rush certain foci it can be beneficial. I make copies and turn those copies into 40 width inf for when I have the equipment to support it. Support companies are worth it, so allocate enough production to support divisions with at least 3 or 4 support companies. build additional ports, raise the port level of the existing one and raise infrastructure.

Heavy tanks for space marines, otherwise medium or light for encirclements. I am doing fine with what I said above. While units are training before they are deployed, they don't take attrition and supplies. You'll save some equipment if you let them fully train up. If you don't need them right now, it's a good idea to let them in training.


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Hearts of iron 4 germany strategy guide

You can use Army XP to create other kinds of divisions (armor etc.), 40 width divisions, or use it to create improved variants of equipment with some bonuses on top, that still costs the same to produce. Same for all other types of XP.

Supply works by having supply lines in the form of naval bases and infrastructure. If there's only a water-line to the supply area, the naval bases will bottleneck it. So build more of them. Heavy Tanks are much stronger than Medium Tanks, but cost more to build and are slower. Generally, they can serve as expensive anti-tank unit or fortress buster. All kinds of heavy (and super heavy) units get bonuses against forts, SH gets even +50%.

They have their place, but as common tank division, medium armor is arguably better. For Germany, get the Treaty with the USSR focus and get Panzer III production going early.

That way you can get a decent edge in the the early 1940s. Hey there, I'd be happy to help.Firstly, what are you trying to accomplish? Rushing to take as many nations as possible at the beginning of the game, or do you want a more historical playthrough by invading Poland, France, etc. Around the same time IRL Germany did? Are you wanting to incorporate people into your faction, or just take all of Europe or the World?

When do you plan on invading the major Allied and Comintern nations? If you want tips on strategy, you'll have to tell me your concrete goals and what you want to do, otherwise I can only either share my own personal strategy or give tips. Ok, so your best bet would probably be to just declare war off the bat and take a ton of Europe by 1938. This is how I do it:-use first 50 PP to justify war on France, wait 250 days-In the meantime focus on equipping your divisions the typical 40W w/4 arty and 3 of your favorite support. Make sure you create a few extra panzer and motorized divisions.

Train them all up to experienced. You should have at least 40 infantry divisions by the time war starts.-Start building military factories in high infra. Areas from the start since you'll be going to war soon.-make sure to remilitarize the rhine and guard the French border! (do NOT push through the maginot)-Navy and air force is less important, but if you want to build planes focus on making fighters since you'll be going against the numerically superior French and English air force.-Feel free to help nationalist spain in their civil war even though you probably won’t be helping them for long. Just don’t lend lease them anything.-Once 250 days has passed, declare war on France, and then immediately start to justify war on Belgium which will take only 40 days now-The bulk of your army should be on the Belgium border preparing to invade while about 15 divisions guard the border with France-Britain will declare war on you for going to war against belgium. Good.-Push through Belgium, and use your panzer divisions to bum rush through the ardenne forest and continue to gun for Paris and other major cities until France’s capitulation-When you capitulate France you will sent to a peace treaty and will be able to annex all their land! Feel free to put puppets in former French colonies like Indochina if you want to defend them for years.

I personally don’t because I hate puppets, but whatever is your cup of tea.-Now it is jan.-feb. Of 1937, you have completely taken the French Empire, but you are still at war with the commonwealth. It only takes 25-35 days to justify against any country in the world, so gobble up as many small countries in Europe and the Middle east for the next year or two before giving Britain a sealion. Make sure you focus on building up your navy, air force, and medium tank divisions in the meantime.-Beat Russia in 1939, and the rest of the world is at your mercy.Hard mode: Do this all but only with panzer and motorized/mechanized divisions.Bonus mode: Trap a ton of British ships in the baltic sea by taking Denmark and j’baiting the brits into sending troops and naval assets around Denmark, then cut them off by taking Denmark and proceed to bomb their navy to death.Edit: formatting. I know this post is a week old but I tried what your posted and got completely stopped in Belgium. I'm still fairly new at this game with about 100 hours and I've never done a game as Germany so I might just be doing something wrong.I justified against France, had about 20 divisions on France's border, declared war on them.

Justified on belgium then had about 24 infantry and about 5 Tanks and 4 motorized on their border. As soon as I tried to push my tanks into Belgium, there were 13 French infantry divisions entrenched there with 300 defense. I was a few months late in starting your strategy but I feel that shouldn't have been too big of a deal, but maybe it is.

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