A Clash Of Kings Guide

A Clash Of Kings Guide

A Clash of Kings ACoK Mod is one of two popular Game of Thrones GoT mods for M&B Warband. It's recognized as one of the best video-game renditions of the GoT universe, providing an even more enthralling experience than stand-alone GoT titles from various producers.This guide suggests an approach to playing the Mod and builds on the extensive literature already published to add some lessons learned and advice that updates previous strategies as well as adding new insight.Published June 19 2017,Last Updated June 19 2017. 1.1 Skill buildMELEE MASTERY, THEN PRISONER MANAGEMENT+ LEADERSHIP, THEN MELEE+ RANGED HYBRIDYou can determine your exact starting layout but I go with one that starts with 12 Str and 8 Agi, immediately get 16 Str and 9 agi, then get my Cha up to 15 for level 5 Leadership and Prisoner Management.

I keep Charisma at 15 until my Agi is 30 for max Weapon Skill and Athleticism.-16 Strength-9 agility-4 intelligence-Cha until 15Skills: Prisoner Management Leadership Weapon Mastery Power Draw Athleticism Lvl 4 Riding Power Strike Iron SkinBecause you can only increase Leadership and Prisoner Management once every 3 points of Cha, you have 1 extra point to continue upgrading Power Draw, Athleticism, RidingIt is not adviseable to start off immediately as a pure archer. I made this mistake. It's a lesson in frustration as while you are a force to reckon with, there are a ton of situations where a small amount of infantry will slaughter you. You need some sort of melee skills, ideally with an extremely long reach weapon (that means 2H or Polearm- I use the 157 reach Great Sword), then add your range of choice onto that.That said, you can't be pure melee either. It is adviseable to get considerable skills invested in Ranged on your PC so you can pre-snipe enemy archers before you charge in with your main army in sieges. I get 5 Power Draw really early from the 16 Str invested to get great swords. You can also significantly cripple enemy cavalry charges (I kill 3-5 armoured horses before the charge reaches my line, in many cases you're only fighting 10-20 knights at a time so having 5 unhorsed at the start is really awesome for your cavalry to reign supreme).1.2 LONG CLUBLONG CLUB!

The LONG CLUB is one of the best weapons in the game for starting out and should be equipped 90% of the time (excepting sieges and key battles where you need maximum killing power). It costs 46 gold, and you and every companion should have one. The reason why it's so good is that it has a high end of balance across the REACH, SPEED, and DAMAGE metric, and is BLUNT. I've experimented with the top tier modified 150+ Reach blunt weapons (War hammers, Maces) and sure, bonus damage and reach can be good, but having a really fast 100 reach weapon is better in almost any situation. This is because you will get stun-interuppted by faster weapons with almost any alternative weapon, and you can stun-lock opponents from 100 reach, which is still high.

The only downside is you can't block as well, but you can interrupt most attack animations and still block long reach weapons since it's so fast. You can often capture 10-12 of your 25 prisoner quota by yourself with this weapon equipped. It is actually somewhat decent for damage as well however your primary weapon will outperform in killing power. This weapon does outperform a significant percentage of weapons on all metrics with high damage, speed, and reach.1.3 Starting ArmyStep 1: Castle recruits + Prisoners converted to ArmyBandit hunting, trade, and TournamentsAs described below you want to move towards a blunt weapon army- Riverlanders are suggested for this. However, you can't even recruit sufficient numbers until you have a decent amount of renown. It is adviseable to avoid Companion hiring for the first bit in order to secure a prisoner army (your morale hits will recuperate faster and you won't have the potential for resilient morale issues with your companions. Basically, you want to get a force of 20 from the castles and get a long reach polearm (GLAIVE!) with a long club.

A Clash Of Kings 5.0 Guide

Then you want to go fight Dothraki in Essos (Norvos is a good spot). You should be able to handle stacks of 40 with you 20 if you abuse high ground to avoid charges and bring a ranged weapon to handle archers. Capture Dothraki by killing their horse then knocking them out with your club.

At this stage you won't have much blunt damage if any in your party so you are the one taking all prisoners. You alone should be able to handle a significant # of dothraki by yourself since they are easy to block, and have poor aim. Just move in circles. Talk to your imprisoned dothraki and offer to include them in your army. Dothraki are insanely cost effective.

They have extremely high stats (5+ in the critical combat skills and 300 weapon skill!) but only cost 1-3 in upkeep per week. Ko are really strong but they have a 13 upkeep, which is still fine for their strength, however they are not 13 times better than the warriors, so if you want the perfect efficient army just get your stack up to 40 archers and warriors. Dothraki have terrible gear but are extremely strong in all other ways. Their archers especially are extremely resilient.

The most dangerous bandit group you face early game are MOUNTAIN BANDITS due to the fact that their javelins do 10-25 per hit(on easiest 1/4 damage mitigation- on normal they WILL one-shot you!) and are almost impossible to fully dodge. They will wipe out elite infantry and yourself with ease. Keep this in mind early on as you can kill other outlaw types much more easily.Step 2:Village Recruits: BLUNT WEAPON ARMIES FOR PRISONERSMany guides are out of date- the ultimate BEST Blunt weapon faction is Riverland.

They get blunt weapons from the beginning melee infantry up until Mounted Riverlander Serjeants. Upgrading to Knights/HKnights replaces with piercing weapons. However, Sellsword Mounted Serjeants are slightly superior (arguably) to Riverlander Mounted Serjeants because they have +40 weapon skill, however due to an oversight they cannot wear their boots so they have significantly less leg armour. They also have a much longer reach Mace variant you can select.

This is ideal for if you don't immediately assign captured Castles you get a set of Sellsword Mounted Serjeants already trained (I have 24 from 3 castles), as the Sellsword Infantry precursors are piercing. It may be worth it to train up a team of 20 in any case, the mace reach alone makes a big difference. Northern Mounted Serjeants are also blunt, however they are squishier, in exchange for 3 extra riding. Also, the Infantry precursors are piercing so you aren't capturing as many people in the build-up period. Totally viable if you really just want maximum charge to end battles and grab your prisoners quicker however. If you want to keep it simple, just get Riverlanders. Northern and Sellsword variants are not objectively better and have piercing in their Infantry precursors.Step 3: Mass ranged/melee hybrid army (Crossbow with sword and shield ) w/ some dedicated range cavalryAs many guides mention, there is a lot to be said about using Vale Crossbows as your main force.

There are cost-benefits to other contenders, even Northern/ Nights Watch longbow can do OK in melee, they just won't be exactly ON PAR like a decent Crossbowman with heavy armour, sword, and shield. If you want a fun mass bow strategy, Sellsword Archers only cost 11 upkeep and have sword+ shield, however they are using Shortbows.

It's still really strong since they cost 1/3 their Elite Crossbow equivalent. But back to Vale Crossbowmen: They are decent heavily armed/shielded swordmen in Melee with nearly maximum possible HP. They have 3 power draw making them inferior for ranged damage but the fact that they can easily handle all but the most elite infantry opponents more than makes up for it. Edit: power draw doesn't matter for crossbows so the Vale Xbows are even stronger since the -6 power draw is irrelevant I actually have a secondary set of ranged units and treat Vale Crossbows as my melee units. This is because they have really sub-par ranged handling and it's also a bit boring to just mass 1 type. Northern and Nights Watch Longbows are really good, however the Karhold Longbow unique special from Karhold Castle owned by the Starks is the best. These variants of Longbowmen have an extremely fast firing speed, but lack a shield for melee, so are true archers.

2.1 TournamentsAs may seem obvious, Tournament wins are key. This ties into your starting skill allocation- you basically need a long reach melee to pull off wins without save scumming a ton (sometimes RNG just wipes out your entire force with the enemy having all 6 or 7 alive, who will be much higher leveled and armoured than you). I check at each arena for the Tournament whenever I arrive. Reach is randomized for weapons within several key variants. There is a 153 reach Tempered Great Sword and a 190 reach Balanced Halberd. Lances are 240 but they are 1 time use so not worth consideration.2.2 TradeTrade, for the most part, is not worth your play time.

Apr 07, 2013  We love the cars in Saints Row: The third:D Sorry for the Car-Name´s fails, it was Camtasia;P System: Windows 8 64-Bit intel quad-core i5 -3350P 3.10 GHz Asus P8B75-M LX Mainboard 1 TB HDD 8GB. Wraith is by far fastest vehicle in Saints Row The Third. And tip if you know how to do customization glitch, use peace maker it works most vehicles 95% of the time, all tanks and military vehicles and almost any non-customizable car, including saints raider,(tried myself) if you have any questions contact me on Xbox 360 as KSIDeathgiver99. Jan 16, 2012  This is an old video, maybe some of you dont like big wheels. Now i dont like them too.:D. Dec 04, 2011  For the best answers, search on this site For me personally, I would choose Saints Row The Third over the other two. However in YOUR case here's what I reccomend: If you have no problem dropping over $180 for all 3 games then more power to you. Saints row 3 best drift car. Dec 04, 2011  The Attrazione is probably the best. Or you can use that customize a non-customizable car glitch and modify a Wraith, but you can only do so much. The Temptress is also a good car to modify, it's almost, if not fast as the Attrazione.

Keep it simple with trade and sell only Furs from White Harbour/surrounding village area and Salt from Saltpans. In my playthrough Volon Therys buys at $1200-1400, and White Harbour and surrounding area sells at $50- 100. Each production cycle I can get 10+ furs for a $10k+ profit. With arenas on the way and a few extra $k from Saltpans sales you can get a lot.

Do this only where you can make money or do quests while trading.2.3 Upkeep managementDon't get involved in any expensive conflicts early. Most guides mention this, but its strongly adviseable to try and avoid any situation where you are going to need to be fielding a 6k+ upkeep army really early. Keep your force at the bare minimum size to capture your stacks of 25 prisoners. You are going to be fighting groups of 40-60 for the most part so you in turn can keep your force at 50-60. Note your force is significantly weaker because your 10ish companions are actually inferior to upgraded troops for a considerable period of time (namely because you won't have good gear for them for a very long time), so subtract 10 from your number for the true strength.2.4 IncomeINVEST IN THE BANK Settlements.

I see nothing wrong with focussing mostly on Iron-Bank investments for your passive income early on. You can re-invest your compounded balance later when you have several settlements to develop income in. Note that a significant reason why settlement upgrades can be sub-par investments is due to the volatitility of having a physical location and market pricing (I've seen them lose money before), but also the fact it can take a long time for the upgrade to even get built (60 days!? Sometimes you're only playing for 150 days on a playthrough!)2.5 Your first FiefYou can spend time playing enlisting in an army to level-up, becoming a mercenary army for your favoured faction, and even vassalizing, but most people will want to become their own kingdom have their own base and freedom to impact politics as they see fit.

To do this, leave whichever faction and become a freelancer, and ninja a castle from a weakened faction.Keep an eye on the balance of power in the wars. Find a faction that is getting wiped out, and try and scout out their castles. Find a castle with a 200- garrison and take it for the massive Army size buff (100+). I took the Lannisters 2nd to last castle which only had 150 units in it. My force was 60- this is doable because you can kill all enemy archers before your infantry line comes in, then jump through the main melee scrimmage and backstab dozens of enemies with 1-2 hit kills from behind. Note that you can repeatedly Raid the villages of a weakened enemy too for upwards of $3k profit each time.2.6 Preparing for your kingdomBuilding a bakery in your future capital is adviseable, then telling it to not sell the produce and instead keep it in the warehouse. Also, getting 20+ karma with each village in your intended Kingdom is a good way to spend your early game time between arenas.2.7 Starting Kingdom Highlight: The SistersSTARTING KINGDOM: SISTERTON.

I really, really like Sisterton as my starting area. It's mostly for quality of life reasons since there are easier areas, however I want to be in Westeros where the action is and this is a really cool area (You get your own self-sufficient island!). With my ninja'ed base from a dying faction I can field 250 troops. The general strategy is to snipe Littlesister (only 150 defenders and ideal siege for pre-sniping enemy archers for 30 kills before you even engage with your main force). Then, wait for the 3 stacks of 500-600 troops to come and either let them loot your 2 villages then siege Littlesister, or try and catch them on the water.


250 can definitely beat 500-600 on land if you are playing on Easy since your troops have double HP and you will have cavalry against pure infantry. However, Sea battles can make this even easier, since each battle has a max # of enemies spawned before it resets and begins a new round. Each new round you begin with a full quiver (I carry 50 arrows, bow, and 2H sword). You should be getting 1 kill for every 2-3 arrows, plus Sister archers suck so if you have any archer force at all, you can hold the choke with inferior infantry #s and wipe out his force with ranged superiority. You need to wipe out the enemy armies so you can take 2-3 rounds to wipe out the 450 garrison at the Capital. I got knocked out once on my playthrough having killed 300 then immediately re-sieged and finished it off, if there are enemy armies then you will be interrupted.

A Clash Of Kings Guide

Why I like the Sisters: It's small (2 castles and a town), but not too small (1 city only), It's viable to take even without a previous Kingdom army size buff (90 elite troops can take it, however an emphasis on elite infantry is key since their castles are really strong against ranged units), provided that you have both Melee and Ranged capabilities on your PC to pre-snipe the enemy archers as well as cleave dozens of enemies by yourself in the melee.2.8 Kingdom/largearmy management tipsBlend cost-effectiveness with quality-CHEAP GARRISONS. For garrisons it's generally adviseable to mass $6 upkeep Levies. I haven't been attacked yet with garrisons of 150 of these. I keep an extra set of 40 x $11 upkeep Sellsword Archers (they are really good for 11 upkeep) on my capital incase something crazy happens.-AVOID EMPHASIS ON PURE MELEE INFANTRY SPECIALISTS.

Unsullied, Ironborn Retainers, and other super-elite melee specialists are great in their area of expertise but they tend to die as often as much cheaper, more versatile forces. I've lost 3 Unsullied to village fights against bandits with only 1 or 2 other casualties. These guys are strong and they perform well, but it just hurts a lot when they die and they don't have any magic powers that make them not fall down when shot with 50 rocks or arrows.

They have 5-10 more HP than other units that cost half as much- they do a ton of damage due to the highest weapon skills in the game but economically they don't deliver as much as their cost in impact. 3.1 Updated GOOD NATURED Lord listIn general you only want Lords that won't object to others receiving lands, as this can cause issues since you generally want to split up a property for each lord since they don't scale that much with more than 1 fief each. So if you are splitting 10 fiefs amongst 10 lords, having them get angry each time can be difficult to manage in terms of keeping people loyal and happy.It is good to plan ahead any Companion Lords, if any, since your main motivation for doing so would be to have maxed Leadership and Pathfinding as well as decent Prisoner management on them.

Having the added loyalty over standard vassals is another plus.These lords are good natured (confirmed in game in 4.0): Ser Clavis Lyber.Lyber is the best companion lord option, he has transferrable combat skills too.Ser Titus HarperMelly WatermanArratos EntarrionLyneriaThe following companions ARE good natured but make poor lords by virtue of naturally filling other critical roles in the party or having a combat loadout that will not serve them well auto- outfitted as a lord (which will always go melee cavalry). + Brendyn Storm + Roderick + Kanosos +MaronNot every other lord has been tested but it seems these are the only ones that are Good natured as another guide indicated this was so after 3.0, so basically we can confirm that it appears that it wasn't changed in 4.03.2 SkillingParty companions: 1 Pathfinding, Tracking, and Spotting companion1 Engineering/Tactics Companion1 First Aid, Surgery, Wound treatment companion1 Looting and Foraging companion(Optional) multiple companions with Training (it stacks)3.3 GearCompanions you want shield and long reach 1 handed in my experience.

So 103 reach arming swords since they are in large supply( drop often) But you may be able to buy better variants. I prefer dismounted infantry wirh sword shield then masterwork myr crossbow and large myr bolts. They shoot until they get into melee range then engage in melee. Note that you do this bc power draw does not affect xbows so you can get max melee skills. 4.1 ConsiderationsENCUMBRANCELow encumbrance has the benefit of higher runspeed and no power draw maluses.You are doubling your encumbrance and subtracting 3 to 6 power draw to gain 30% armour if you want to become heavily armoured. The thick lamellar armour is insane, I'd almost drop my boots too since it buffs your leg armour sufficiently. You don't need your bow in every fight too which can allow you to get into the 15 range.WEAPON REACH VS WEAPON SPEED:WEAPON REACH HAS PRIORITYGenerally the damage spread on high-tier weaponry is going to be within 10-20% of eachother, which makes the speed and reach characteristic the main differentiating factor.Tempered GS has a 157 reach variant with 50 C if memory serves.

Way better than the MC modifier.You are probably correct that the speed buff could be better if you have high athleticism and low encumbrance like as advised here, with many caveats.I may swap to your Myrish greatsword to try it out. I would also scout around if they are like other weapons there will be a 110 or 120 reach variant around with the same speed. It is annoying to face elite infantry who use fast weapons with my lower speed high reach weapons but honestly you can cut them in half before they get within range, and the elite Halberd and Spear infantry will be super annoying to fight if you have 109 reach. For my playstyle I may want to go for closer reach/ more speed to feel it out.There isn't a right answer on this because 157 or 190 range can backstep swing indefinitely vs 109 reach, the cost benefit relates to whether the enemies are able to get within 100 range when you have 57 to 90 units of advantage. Note that you will probably have issues vs Cavalry with that reach, with 157 you can 1 shot the horse of a lanceless charge before it impacts you. Vs lanced charge I use my horse as a tank and side step at the last moment again with my 1 shot kill swing vs the horse.I think the reach lets you weapon block in a wider arc.

Like side hits go through with a 100 reach but the 157 catches it.More reach is more aoe too on your side slashes. I can get 3 enemies with 1 slash if they are positioned correctly.Whether you have 10 athleticism or not totally changes the logic either way.All this said, I do think the 190 reach Tempered Glaive could be better than either.

At that point you could have 500 speed, you aren't getting near me. I just like hack and slash sword mechanics so I use the sword. Also if I am trying to maximize casualties from a rear charge on a melee scrimmage the sword will cleave cleaner with more aoe. The glaive has bonuses against shields. This really pushes it over the top. I probably get hit less with it but slower cleave time may not be worth it on the other hand.4.2 End game loadoutBalance weight with high-statsYou can have within 70% of max armour with 1/5th the weight and no power draw maluses. The added runspeed with level 10 athleticism is totally worth not having 5x more weight for a mere 30% armour buff.

You will be taking 0-3 damage from a significant percentage of low-tier ranged opponents and melee strikes, and you should be kiting/ avoiding most damage with your runspeed.Note that most equipment names have several values for them so you need to check around and read stats to see what is actually good.23 encumbranceThick Lamellar Armour: 5 weight 38 body armour (forget leg but I think it was 18) variant, superior armour will be like 20 weight for a buff of 20-30% armour, which is not worth 400% increase in weight. @first guy who commented you shoulda married a lady that had land, you could use that land to store troops of your own. This guide is very helpful. I've made a character (now on day 200) and I am a vassal of Braavos. I have over 30k gold in their bank, and have married a lady of that faction. My main mistake was chosing Braavos to join, as they have absolutely USELESS soldiers (Braavosi Spearmen, who actually use spears, that stab, and are crappy as hell) and are constantly at war with Lorath, who have terrifyingly strong voulge-wielding vanguards, and Norvos.

I'm stuck, and can't do anything except raid Stormlander villages, who have taken King's Landing and are by far the strongest faction in the game, next to their ally, the Reach. I want to take on the Three Sisters, or even Crackclaw Point, and become my own King. I just feel like I'm never strong enough to do so.

Any advice and/or tips would be greatly appreciated.

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