Vladmodels Anya Y148 Set 34

Other posts on the subject:Studio VladModels - (y171) Marina 26 Videos 84.Vlad Models Alisa - 180 Sets + 29 Custom Sets.Studio VladModels - (y120) Vika 6 Videos 102 Sets.Studio VladModels - (y184) Kristina 2 Video 28.Studio Vlad Models - Model (y056) Ksenya 158 Sets.Studio Vlad Models - Model (y186) Dasha 35 Sets +.Studio VladModels - (y061) Maria 252 Sets + Video.Studio VladModels - (y138) Tatyana 124 Sets +.Studio VladModels - (y148) Anya 3 Video 42 Sets +.Studio Vlad Models - Model (y123) Anna 135 Sets +.

  1. Vladmodels Anya Y148 Set 34 In Inches
  2. Vladmodels Anya Y148 Set 34 2017

File:- ( 130.89KB, 1600x1200, DSCF0008.jpg)Anonymous15/09/23(Wed)07:26Do you have Vlad requests? I probably have it. Just sets, if its videos check hereSeveral others have posted Vlad material, but if its something not already up or its up but inconvenient to get - askOther Vlad SetsAnonymous15/09/24(Thu)05:38File:- ( 176.70KB, 1200x1600, w006028-004.jpg)I've only seen bits & pieces of m061 Nadya over in Requests, It'd be great to see her complete portfolio. Also very rare are Vlad's W series, particularly the very cute w006 Veronica and w015 ElenyaAnonymous15/09/24(Thu)09:56File:- ( 163.74KB, 1600x1200, PB.jpg)I received this request in another threadHere's your Olya m071 1-13I included a text file explaining the 20 missing pics.This pic is part 1 of set 7Anonymous15/09/24(Thu)10:36File:- ( 187.95KB, 1600x1200, PC020032.jpg)set11Anonymous15/09/24(Thu)10:55File:- ( 179.33KB, 1600x1200, PC290100.jpg)Here's Olya m071's sets 14-17.

These are all completepic is set 15. One of my favorite, of the early Vlad themes, is the 'Tween dressed as a Hooter's Girl'. Your requested Yulya m053 wore it too.Anonymous15/09/24(Thu)11:09Hi.Do you have y148 set 31 in original size pics? I have the sets but the pic quality is low:(thanksAnonymous15/09/24(Thu)12:59File:- ( 191.28KB, 1200x1600, PA130029.jpg)Olya m071 19-30 - 6 sets - 19,22,25,27,29,30All are complete, or very close. 25 has 2 unfinished pictures.

Crop them, or delete them.Anonymous15/09/24(Thu)16:46If you have any more of Anna y123 videos that would be sweeeeet.Anonymous15/09/25(Fri)02:46File:- ( 175.59KB, 1200x1600, DSCF0032.jpg)To the guy who wanted the Olya m071: Let me know if you want the rest of her sets. And, I've got some m053 Yulya sets uploading now. I should have them all up by tomorrow.

Some sets are cstms & a few regulars are the No-Logo versions.I have Polina. The only one I don't have is m030 (I might be able to find her, though)Just what I posted in Vlad vids. There are a couple more, maybe they'll be found eventually.Well, mine is 17Mb, 93pics. Those I checked, were 150-210kb. Its safe to say, this is what you're afterAnonymous15/09/25(Fri)04:19File:- ( 658.65KB, 1600x1200, DSCF0124.jpg)Yulya m053I've got 9 regular sets from 1-14 close to being ready. Set 9 was very large (100Mb), especially for a non-custom. Sort of like with Yulya m065, 7 of her hard to find sets were quite over-sized.Any other large ones like this, I'll post separate.Just noticed this - I know there's a fantastic m061 thread elsewhere,(most sets & on mirrors- no adfly etc) but I don't know about here.I have some w's.

At least something from 7 of them. Also a few are in 2mod setsAnonymous15/09/25(Fri)04:46File:- ( 127.94KB, 1200x1600, P8080006.jpg)Polina y082, as the link says: 1-7 & I'm missing set5, although, I threw in a tiny thumb from 5. This pic is from 6Anonymous15/09/25(Fri)05:06File:- ( 731.07KB, 1600x1200, DSCF0090.jpg)Another large Yulya m053 set. At about 65Mb, its not as big as set 9; but still big enough to post separate. It has 97 picsAnonymous15/09/25(Fri)05:31File:- ( 128.96KB, 1600x1200, p3240101.jpg)So here's Yulya m053 9 sets from 1-14.


Customs will come later. What's here is 1,2,4,7,8 +11-14pic is set 4. Some sets are missing a few pics (not many). A lot of these sets are quite long though, so there's still a lot there.Anonymous15/09/25(Fri)06:15File:- ( 299.37KB, 1200x1600, p7080025.jpg)From set 11 of m053 Yulya.Anonymous15/09/25(Fri)06:37File:- ( 334.00KB, 1562x1654, Anya y154 sets1-18.jpg)To the guy who wanted Olya m071,Yulya m053,etc. You also wanted Anya y154 set01. Is that the only set of her you want?

Check out the set preview & see if you want more of herAnonymous15/10/02(Fri)19:22File:- ( 155.09KB, 1200x1600, p1010031.jpg)Now, back to the rest of Yulya m053 (OMG! I forgot the customs!! I'm upping them right now)So here's the rest of the Non-cstms.

Sets 23,54,58,59 &60 are NoLogo. This was set20Here's 15-29 (15-19,21,23,25,29)pic from25lots more to come (not just Yulya)Anonymous15/10/02(Fri)21:00File:- ( 207.98KB, 1200x1600, p9090055.jpg)Here's Yulya m053 30-42 - except for set31, which is going to be with the customs.our picture is set39Anonymous15/10/02(Fri)21:06File:- ( 180.74KB, 1600x1200, p9090030.jpg)She's at the point where she's really getting hot. Thus a couple more pics - Love those eyesAnonymous15/10/02(Fri)22:37File:- ( 300.79KB, 1600x1200, pc100083.jpg)I realized during the break, that I had 2 more of her vids. I'm posting them right after this, in my Vlad vid thread.More of Yulya m053: sets 43-51pic-set49 We'll talk about how great she looks here, later when I get homeAnonymous15/10/03(Sat)15:48File:- ( 218.30KB, 1200x1600, pb10120043.jpg)Yes she looks fantastic in these later sets.

Too bad she didn't stay on longer than she did. That set is awesome, but just before it is not 1 But 2 of one of my favorite themes: The Hooters Tween1st set47Anonymous15/10/03(Sat)15:57File:- ( 176.51KB, 1600x1200, pc100152.jpg)And 48Anonymous15/10/03(Sat)17:06File:- ( 161.90KB, 1200x1600, p3250033.jpg)Here's Yulya m053 sets 52,53 & 56-60. Now, I left out 55 because it was a custom. I figured I'd do 54 separate, since it was NoLogo - Not realizing until later, that 58-60 are all No-Logo.So here's the 7 sets from 52-60picture is from 57. A VERY difficult set to pick 1 pic. She looks So great throughout - In fact, I had 3 pics from set 57 (including this pic - 33 - made into prints for my wall. They look fantastic!Anonymous15/10/03(Sat)17:18File:- ( 605.80KB, 1600x1200, DSCF0073.jpg)Yulya m053's NoLogo set: 54 (84pics)Anonymous15/10/03(Sat)17:49File:- ( 389.86KB, 1200x1600, P3180005.jpg)The 9 custom sets of Yulya m053 3,5 & 6 are from march & april of 2003.

Set10 is from late june.03, 21 & 22 are from dec of 2003; while 28 & 31 are from feb2004. The last custom, set55, is from just over a year later. March18.05.From this, we can pretty much glean the span of her Vlad modelling career. Say feb.2003 - may/june of 2005. Like I said, its a shame she didn't stay on for a few more months. She was looking so fantastic!Picture is from 55Anonymous15/10/03(Sat)18:05File:- ( 167.05KB, 1600x1200, p3250080.jpg)These are 3 2model & 1 sports model sets.2model: 91 adds m027 Olya, 166 (pictured)adds y042 Alisa, 167 adds y064 Valerya.

Sports set 36 adds m047 KarolinaAnonymous15/10/03(Sat)18:10File:- ( 163.53KB, 1200x1600, p4150050.jpg)This is from 2mod 167 - by herself for a momentI have several more girls to add (including requested m030-Katya) I must take a nap 1stAnonymous15/10/03(Sat)19:46i want these sets, please, thanks:)Anonymous15/10/03(Sat)22:08File:- ( 152.50KB, 1600x1200, p6130064.jpg)I found these uploaded & she's quite cute: y110 Lilya 1-10Anonymous15/10/03(Sat)22:37File:- ( 129.64KB, 1200x1600, DSCF0027.jpg)I'll get them goingIn the meantime we have y159 Lena 41-50. I don't see her posted very often & she's got a rather nice body.pic from 41Anonymous15/10/03(Sat)22:58File:- ( 144.83KB, 1600x1200, DSCF0053.jpg)Here's Karina y163 1-7 except for 6. I'll post 8-15 later. This was something I contributed a while back, fulfilling a request. That is why I didn't have the rest uploadedAnonymous15/10/03(Sat)23:33File:- ( 192.48KB, 1200x1600, DSCF0053.jpg)Here is Dasha y170 1-16.


She looks pretty nice in some of these. Pic is 14I'm looking for her Steve Bree cstm video. Now, I'm assuming Bree from Katya's cstm set & Steve who Tanya says Hello to in her Feb27.08 ban/crm vid. Is the same person.Anonymous15/10/04(Sun)19:11File:- ( 163.89KB, 1600x1200, DSCF0041.jpg)Here are your Anya sets 1-18set12 is picAnonymous15/10/04(Sun)20:17File:- ( 193.96KB, 768x1024, P9210007.jpg)Now the guy who made the initial requests, that inspired me to start this thread, had also requested m030 Katya.

I have 2 sets - 1 & 9set1 is 2pt shot jul31+sep21 of 2001, set2 apr11.02Anonymous15/10/04(Sun)22:06File:- ( 151.08KB, 1600x1200, p4140025.jpg)Here's a very cute girl who unfortunately had a very brief Vlad career - Liliya y078. I have 2 of her 3 sets. I think my thanks should go to O&E (I hope I'm right)Anonymous15/10/04(Sun)22:47File:- ( 171.99KB, 1600x1200, p2020047.jpg)I really like this girl. Try as I might, I have only found 2 sets. She has another 2 dozen. If anyone has more, I'd be thrilled to get them. Here's Maria y060 18 & 20pic from18Anonymous15/10/05(Mon)04:14File:- ( 104.00KB, 1200x1600, DSCF0001.jpg)If ya still need set 006, I just found it on usenet labeled as custom-000 lol.:)Here ya go:Pass = fun&gamesAnonymous15/10/05(Mon)19:26File:- ( 156.23KB, 1600x1200, p6240056.jpg)Here's Karina y051 sets 1-18.

She's got some great sets (like the pictured one). Actually these sets are the tip of the iceberg.

She did 84 altogetherThanks again! You're always a big help, I had never found that one.

I'm uploading 8-15 as we speak, but I just noticed she did 16 sets. So there's still 1 more to find.If you can help me with any other girls I'm hunting for, that would be fabulousAnonymous15/10/05(Mon)20:26File:- ( 162.41KB, 1600x1200, p6170012.jpg)Before I move on to the next girl, I think Karina y051 is worthy of another couple previews.

Set15Anonymous15/10/05(Mon)20:41File:- ( 141.13KB, 1600x1200, p2090022.jpg)I think she looks great in this bikini from set 01Anonymous15/10/05(Mon)21:22File:- ( 190.94KB, 1600x1200, p702000 (26).jpg)I've got a fair bit of stuff I recently uploaded. It will take a while to post it all.Here's m058 Violetta.

I have sets 1,2,8,10,12,13,21&22 + 28-41. This makes 22 in all.Most sets have had to be renumbered. Its hard to explain without taking up too much space: There was a bizarre 'message' intended for a certain recipient, which was incorporated into every picture in every set with every model, he shared.Pic is from set 36. As you see by the #, I tried to keep it as close as I could. But for those that didn't start at 01.

Likewise those with missing pics, although, I think they're mainly intactSafari trophies:)Anonymous15/10/06(Tue)06:04File:- ( 462.27KB, 1655x1078, y170 Dasha - dasha-y170-pd15-steve-breempg.jpg)Haven't been able to find any more y078 or y163. But I did find one more Maria y060 for ya: set 23.Also found the Dasha y170 Steve Bree vid on another site, repackaged it & upped to MC for more congenial downloading.:)Pass for all = fun&gamesLemme know what else you need and I'll see if I can find it.:)Anonymous15/10/06(Tue)10:00File:- ( 169.16KB, 1600x1200, p8060023.jpg)I happened to be looking at my Mirrors acct & noticed Karina y051 hadn't been downloaded at all. So I said to myself 'Hmmm, I wonder why that is so? Could it be that everyone hates the preview pics, I posted?' Then I thought: 'I wonder if some moron forgot to post the link?' Sure enough, that was the case & since he posted 3 pics, that means he essentially forgot it 3 times!Oh well, I get to post another picture of her (but 1st the link)I see, also, its 15 sets.

I'm missing 2,3&6. This pic is from set 18Anonymous15/10/06(Tue)12:46File:- ( 145.39KB, 1200x1600, pb170156.jpg)Here's Dasha m070 1-22pic from 19Anonymous15/10/06(Tue)13:27File:- ( 307.30KB, 1600x1200, pc150014.jpg)Here's Dasha m070 again. This is 23-45, set 42 is NoLogo & pictured set 26 is totally awesome!Sets are intact to this point.Anonymous15/10/06(Tue)14:21File:- ( 633.74KB, 1600x1200, DSCF0055.jpg)This is Dasha m070's remaining sets. There are (I think)19 sets left.

Set 50 is a cstm from Mar17.05. 62 & 65 are cstms from may11 &26th. Sets 48, 56, 59 & 61 are NoLogo; 56 is picturedAnonymous15/10/07(Wed)07:33Wow, I just walked in the door from work & found this. What a pleasant surprise!

Thanks, once again f&g!A bit later, I'll get organized as to what I have, need etc.Even watching the vid will have to wait an hr or soAnonymous15/10/07(Wed)17:06Shame she only did one video as far as I know.Thanks for her sets too, hard to find.Anonymous15/10/08(Thu)00:19Thanks again for this stuff & your generous offer. I have to be quick so's not to be late for work.Valeriya m041 4-70 Lola m056 other than set11, any more of Karina y051I have more uploaded which I'll post later (this will also show what I needI'm also this thread's OPAnonymous15/10/08(Thu)19:26Sorry, I have no WALS stuff at all as in your other request thread.:(And m056 Lola & Karina y051 are strangely very hard to find. I only managed to find a few sets of each.m056 complete sets 03, 04, 04, 08, 14, 25 + a 2-model set with Irina y038.

Here they are all in one archive:y051 complete sets 27, 29, 34, 36, 37, 38, 49 (no logo), 56 (no logo), 60 (no logo) + a 2-model set with Yulya m053. Again one archive:Also a few incomplete sets of y051 if you want 'em: 02 (34 of 93 pix), 03 (24 of 81), 51 no logo (59 of 77), 52 no logo (21 of 80), 55 no logo (54 of 74). One archive:Pass for all = fun&gamesAnonymous15/10/08(Thu)23:20File:- ( 156.07KB, 1600x1200, P9170041.jpg)Wow, you're sure full of surprises!

Vladmodels Anya Y148 Set 34

And yes, incomplete sets are more than welcome when we're talking about older, hard to find stuff.Something else I thought of, in my Vlad vid thread, a fellow asked for any Nadya m061 vids that might be available. I've never collected her, but have seen many threads devoted to her. I can't recall seeing any vids in them. I've looked around for him, but haven't had any luckSo here's my contribution for the day: 17 sets of Tatyana m051 sets 6,21-23,51-55,61-66,68 &70. Sets 6 & 70 are NoLogo. I'm afraid some have missing pics, but I'd say its well worth the downloadSo, fun, if you're able to add to this at all, that would be awesome.

She's a very pretty girl & not easy to find.Before I forget, here's the linkpic from 22, also I believe its O&E I should be thanking for some of these m051 sets (can't remember which ones though)Anonymous15/10/09(Fri)04:51File:- ( 184.36KB, 1600x1200, P8170062.jpg)I love her, so a couple more Tatyana m051 previewsAnonymous15/10/09(Fri)05:03File:- ( 181.71KB, 1600x1200, p6040087.jpg)And 1 more The last one was 55. This is set52.

God, she's beautiful!Anonymous15/10/09(Fri)05:18File:- ( 127.04KB, 768x1024, p1240022.jpg)Here is some early sets of Zhenya y025. Later stuff is far more readily available. What I have her is 8 sets:3,6,8,11,12,20,23 &29. 12 & 23 are customs. 12 is from Mar26.02, while 23 is from Nov19.02. Also 20 is sort of an odd 2 part set.

In fact the 1st part looks like part of one of her 2mod sets. Pictured set8 also has 2pts.

I'll post more pics later & I have more ealy sets of her as wellAnonymous15/10/09(Fri)05:23File:- ( 79.97KB, 768x1024, PICT4892.jpg)If you care for this, great. They are undersized & the set is incomplete. If someone has a better version- by all means Post it!Anya-y154Anonymous15/10/10(Sat)22:32To the guy who wanted Olya m071,Yulya m053,etc.

You also wanted Anya y154 set01. Is that the only set of her you want? Check out the set preview & see if you want more of her.Thank you so much for all the great things. I have not been here for a while so this is a real treat.Yes I like Anya-y154 01,03 and 04 she's cute.I have a custom of Katya(m030) but she is with DARTS(Digital Arts Studio) but it should be ok here,she is older and it is very tame,in fact when I had it made the photographer said her mother was present during the shoot.Anonymous15/10/11(Sun)04:51File:- ( 176.29KB, 1600x1200, p4270091.jpg)Here's some more early sets of Zhenya y025.

I've got more to add. These are 20 sets from 34-76. They are: 34,39,44,46-48,51,56-58,63,65,68& 70-76.

I did not note it on the folders, but set 58 is NoLogo & set 68 is a cstm from mar2.04.Those pics at the start of set20 looks like they could be from set48. The 2mod set that I thought those pics bore some resemblance to, was set41.Very hard to pick one picture, but here's one from set71. If I haven't posted a set from 1-69, it means I don't have it. I'd welcome any contributions of missing sets & a proper version of 16.The next group will be 77 to about 95 (depending on size)Anonymous15/10/11(Sun)10:28File:- ( 161.87KB, 1200x1600, P3250072.jpg)A while back, I answered a Katya y034 request. I ended up posting what I had.

I've decided to repost it here. I'll start with these 6 sets 2,4-7&10. All are complete, set 7 has 203 pics.

Set 4 is a cstm from apr12.02pic is from set2. Sets 2 & 7 both have a change in setting part way through & a small change in outfitsAnonymous15/10/11(Sun)10:33File:- ( 317.59KB, 1600x1200, P9090112.jpg)This is Katya y034's set 12. Its 183 picsAnonymous15/10/11(Sun)11:39File:- ( 301.14KB, 1200x1600, IMAGES2.jpg)These are 2 more sets of Katya y034 - 13&15. When I originally posted them, I thought these were both only partial sets. They have 43 & 44 pics. It turns out set 13 is complete, but set15 is missing 74 pics.pic is from set13. Both sets have 2 outfits.Anonymous15/10/11(Sun)11:57File:- ( 221.78KB, 1200x1600, PA280059.jpg)7 more Katya y034 sets.

Vladmodels Anya Y148 Set 34 In Inches

As you see below, its 16,19-21,23,26&27. All appear complete & set 19 is a cstm from nov25.02The pic is from set16 which has an outfit & setting change part way throughAnonymous15/10/11(Sun)12:17File:- ( 383.96KB, 1600x1200, P5030009.jpg)This is the last of what I have of Katya y034. These 5 sets are all customs. All look complete. Set 8 (pictured)is from may3.02, set11 sep25.02, set17 oct7.02, set18 nov18.02 & set22 jan30.03Actually, I also have some 2mod & Sports sets with her & Mariana y035, I'll postAnonymous15/10/11(Sun)12:27File:- ( 251.91KB, 1200x1600, p9130175.jpg)Here's 2mod sets 37,43,49 & 53 & Sports mods 15 & 31Anonymous15/10/11(Sun)12:47File:- ( 280.89KB, 1600x1200, P5080039.jpg)Here are 10 sets of Mariana y035.

Sets 2,4-9,12,13&15. Sets 6 & 8 are customs. Set6 is from May29.02, while set8 is from july19.02pic is from set4Anonymous15/10/11(Sun)13:02File:- ( 150.52KB, 1600x1200, P2190019.jpg)Although, this is listed as '13 sets 19-34' Its 19-35.

Sets are: 19,21,22,24-27&30-35. Set26 is a curious custom. Its from oct23.03 & has 98pics. The last 47 contain all but 2 of set 27. Picture is from set 33Any missing sets of Katya y034 or Mariana y035 would be most welcomeAnonymous15/10/11(Sun)13:16File:- ( 169.58KB, 1200x1600, p3240052.jpg)I forgot to mention that those 2model sets you included were completely new to me. This means you must have more than the 208 or so that I have.

I'll have to put together a list of those I'm missing.164 was a real treat, since it also included Yulya m053Anonymous15/10/11(Sun)16:00File:- ( 160.09KB, 1600x1200, PA270015.jpg)Kristina y073 did 25 sets. Here's 21 of them. Missing are sets 9,12,14&16. If anyone has those sets, they'd be a welcome addition to this threadpic from set23Anonymous15/10/11(Sun)16:07File:- ( 139.57KB, 1600x1200, P9150039.jpg)I forgot to mention sets 18-23 of Kristina y073 are NoLogo (pic set20)Anonymous15/10/11(Sun)18:49Do you have the set of the girl in the first pic of this thread? She look adorable.Anonymous15/10/11(Sun)18:52This one:)Anonymous15/10/12(Mon)03:21File:- ( 501.92KB, 1200x2857, Olga previews.jpg)Its Olga y151, the sister of Tanya y157 & yes she IS adorable.

I'm providing you with the requested set (75).However, I really feel you should have all of her 107 regular & 19 custom sets, for the 'Full Olga Experience'. Let me know if you want more. Here's her only vid (its very strange that she didn't do more vids)These are previews of most of her sets. Several of the last 20 or so sets are non-custom versions of custom sets. I think the video goes with set 81Anonymous15/10/12(Mon)04:05File:- ( 168.86KB, 1600x1200, pc240121.jpg)fun&games, I mentioned hereabout how it appears you have more 2model sets than I do. Here is what I don't have: 9-13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 28-31, 33, 34, 36, 47, 48, 50, 51, 58, 60, 81, 86, 88, 92, 94, 95, 98, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106-108, 110, 111, 116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 137, 157, 163, 169, 171, 176, 212, 215, 226, 253, 265& up.

Also the 2 New years cstms from dec28 &30 2002 & the oct3.05 custom of m042 Nadya & y056 Ksenya. Its similar but much longer than the one they did a week later. I have the shorter one labeled C-43.Curiously, I found a set incorrectly labeled as 25,it was actually a custom version of 66 dated mar28.03.If you have & are able to share any of these sets, it would be absolutely awesome.For others, I've shared this a couple of other times, here it is again for good measure. This will get you most of the 2mod sets not requested as well as the full sports model collectionpic is from 158 with Tatyana m051 & Dasha y063Anonymous15/10/12(Mon)04:46File:- ( 179.55KB, 1600x1200, p6080059.jpg)Here's Zhenya y025 sets 77-97, except for set 89.pic set77Anonymous15/10/12(Mon)17:51Thank you very much!

A really beutiful set. And yes please i would love to see the other suggested sets:)Anonymous15/10/12(Mon)23:15Sorry just saw you were writing of over 100 sets, cant request that ofc.

Vladmodels Anya Y148 Set 34 2017

I would be thankful for 1-2 more, maybe with the video? I unfortunately cant find the video in the provided link.

I looked twice.Anonymous15/10/13(Tue)03:16File:- ( 132.72KB, 1200x1600, P5170007.jpg)I forgot about this. I have 3 sets - 11,68&98 of w006 VeronicaAs for other w-series, I have 8 sets of w001, 19 of w002, 55 of w003, 1 of w004, 12 of w007 & 14 of w014Anonymous15/10/13(Tue)03:27File:- ( 158.25KB, 1200x1600, DSCF0025.jpg)Here's Karina y163 12-15I'll get those up for you over nightAnonymous15/10/13(Tue)08:20File:- ( 116.19KB, 1200x1600, DSCF0096.jpg)These are the other Karina y163 sets. I have them separate from 12-15, because a couple of them seemed to have rather small pics. Maybe its all OK, but I just thought they seemed a bit small to be original size.I'm thinking particularly of sets 8&10.

Set8 is 7.7Mb with 83 pics. Set 10 is 6.9 with 70 pics. I know set 5 was another set with small pics. The other 2 sets (9&11) have their average pics over 100kb.I just thought I'd mention this beforehandAnonymous15/10/13(Tue)08:33File:- ( 157.21KB, 1200x1600, P2250171.jpg)Here is 11 sets from y045 Alfiya.

They are: 2,3,11,17,21,24,28,29,57,68&74. Set 17 is a custom, from jan9.04 If anyone can add to these, that would be great.pic from 28Anonymous15/10/13(Tue)09:33File:- ( 385.73KB, 1600x1200, P31200392.jpg)Here's some early custom sets as well as some non-custom NoLogo sets of Olga y021. I mistakenly labeled it 12 customs.

Ther's 15 sets, 9 of which are complete. So this is what I have: Set 04 nov26.01, set14 mar12.02 22 pics of 141, set17 NoLogo 44 pics of 105, 2 pics from set 20, strangely, each has a different date - apr13.02 & july12.02, set27 oct11.02, set35 apr18.03, set36 may16.03, set43 july17.03, set44 NoLogo 34 pics of 125, set56 jun7.03, set63 nov6.03, set75 is NoLogo 68 pics of 103, however 1 pic has a date of mar4.04, set91 july19.04 85 pics of 117, set92 july16.04, set 105 sep28.04. Those with no mention of # of pics are complete.If anyone has any more of these early 1-100 sets of her (particularly customs) or complete versions of the partials, they'd be much appreciated.Anonymous15/10/13(Tue)18:19File:- ( 213.15KB, 1200x1600, DSCF0026.jpg)Here's the 1st bunch. Olga y151 1-30Anonymous15/10/13(Tue)18:35File:- ( 234.68KB, 1200x1600, DSCF0015.jpg)Olga y151 56-80Anonymous15/10/13(Tue)19:08File:- ( 145.86KB, 1200x1600, DSCF0010.jpg)Olga y151 81-107.

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