Stcw 2010 Code Pdf

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. The Manila Amendments to STCW convention will be implemented from 01 January 2017. From 1 January 2017 all seafarers required to carry certificate and flag endorsements meeting the 2010 Manila amendments to STCW convention. IMO has issued circular MSC.1/Circ.1560 (copy attached) advising actions to be taken by PSC authorities and recognized organization in case where seafarers are not carrying certificates and endorsements meeting the 2010 Manila Amendments to STCW convention.a. For Port State Control:In cases where a seafarer documentation complied with requirements in force immediately before 01 January 2017, but was not in accordance with the requirements of the 2010 Manila Amendments to the STCW Convention. All PSC authorities, until 01 July 2017, recommended to take a pragmatic and practical approach during inspections and notify the ships, seafarers and Administrations concerned accordingly.b. For Recognized Organization:It is recommended that until 1 July 2017, when carrying ISM Audit and verification under SOLAS 74, verify compliance of seafarer’s documentation with respect to 2010 Manila Amendments and if same not found in compliance; administration to be informed.

Stcw 2010 Code Pdf Free

Individual Flag will be issuing circular based on above. AMSA and South African Maritime Safety Authority has already issued circular (copy for same attached). Ship owners/ operators and masters are advised to be guided by aboveEnclosure:.Disclaimer.

Amendmentsto MARPOL Annex I regulations 1, 12, 13, 17 and 38, relating to the on boardmanagement of oil residue (sludge). The amendments clarify long standingrequirements and remove existing ambiguities in order to facilitate complianceby ships' crews. Payday 2 how to install mods. Definitions for oil residue (sludge), oil residue (sludge)tanks, oily bilge water and oily bilge water holding tanks are introduced forthe first time. Related amendments to the Supplement to the IOPP Certificate,Form A and Form B, and to the Oil Record Book. NewMARPOL regulation, to protect the Antarctic from pollution by heavy grade oils,in MARPOL Annex I (Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil) onSpecial requirements for the use or carriage of oils in the Antarctic area, anew chapter 9 with a new regulation 43, which would prohibit the carriage, inbulk as cargo, or carriage and use as fuel, of: crude oils having a density, at15°C, higher than 900 kg/m3; oils, other than crude oils, having a density, at15°C, higher than 900 kg/m3 or a kinematic viscosity, at 50°C, higher than 180mm2/s; or bitumen, tar and their emulsions. An exception is envisaged forvessels engaged in securing the safety of ships or in a search-and-rescueoperation. InternationalGoal based Ship Construction Standards for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, alongwith amendments to Chapter II-1.

Stcw 2010 Code Pdf Printable

The new SOLAS regulation II-1/3-10 will applyto oil tankers and bulk carriers of 150m in length and above. It will requirenew ships to be designed and constructed for a specified design life and to besafe and environmentally friendly, in intact and specified damage conditions,throughout their life. Under the regulation, ships should have adequatestrength, integrity and stability to minimize the risk of loss of the ship orpollution to the marine environment due to structural failure, includingcollapse, resulting in flooding or loss of watertight integrity.

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