Serialization Failure: 1213 Deadlock Found When Trying To Get Lock

  1. Serialization Failure: 1213 Deadlock Found When Trying To Get Lock Iphone
  2. Serialization Failure: 1213 Deadlock Found When Trying To Get Locker
  3. Serialization Failure: 1213 Deadlock Found When Trying To Get Lock Back

Hello,A weird error appeared suddenly on a production site online for almost a year.I've been receiving plenty of e-mails regarding cron errors trying to:bin/magento cron:runMagentoFrameworkDBAdapterDeadlockExceptionSQLSTATE40001: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction, query was: UPDATE `mgdbcronschedule` SET `jobcode` =?, `status` =?, `messages` =?, `createdat` = '2018-04-05 23:53:18', `scheduledat` = '2018-04-05 23:57:00', `executedat` =?, `finishedat` =? WHERE (scheduleid='1620710')ZendDbStatementExceptionSQLSTATE40001: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction, query was: UPDATE `mgdbcronschedule` SET `jobcode` =?, `status` =?, `messages` =?, `createdat` = '2018-04-05 23:53:18', `scheduledat` = '2018-04-05 23:57:00', `executedat` =?, `finishedat` =? OK,I think I got this solved so I'll put it here if it can spare some time for other users having the same issue.Second error message got me to the answer.Yesterday I had a problem on the dedicated server, so service was very slow, and mysql service had serious issues. I solved it, but when I just looked at cronschedule tables, I had about 16000 entries, lots of jobs on queue, so that seemed to cause the problem.I first truncated the table on a dev website to be sure, and it solved the issue.

I get this error with Piwik 3.3.0 and have some performance numbers (Core i7-6700, MariaDB 10.0.32):. transactions off, recorders=8: 150 req/s.

transactions off, recorders=4: 120 req/s. transactions on, recorders=4: fails, too many attempts, yields a '-skip=' info. transactions on, recorders=2: 175 req/s. transactions on, recorders=1: 460 req/sThe performance hit suffered by more and more transaction rollbacks can almost eat up all the benefits of using transactions in the first place. Far cry 4 zoldaci. I reach up to 900 req/s and then there is a 0 multiple times, followed by the error message (and a transaction rollback).

Serialization Failure: 1213 Deadlock Found When Trying To Get Lock Iphone

Serialization Failure: 1213 Deadlock Found When Trying To Get Lock

Serialization Failure: 1213 Deadlock Found When Trying To Get Locker

Hi FYI, I am just seeing this with Matomo 3.5.0 and using with -recorders=2: 2018/05/11 08:38:21 error 1287#0:.10688 FastCGI sent in stderr: 'PHP message: Error in Matomo (tracker): Error query: SQLSTATE40001: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction In query: UPDATE matomologvisit SET idvisitor =?, visitlastactiontime =?, visitexitidactionurl =?, visittotalactions = visittotalactions + 1, visittotalinteractions = visittotalinteractions + 1, visittotaltime =?, customvark1 =?, customvarv1 =? WHERE idsite =? AND idvisit =? Parameters: array ( 0 = '^P', 1 = '2018-05-11 08:38:18', 2 = 2184827, 3 = 248, 4 = 'App version', 5 = 'Web3.13.3', 6 = 1, 7 = '1588134', )' while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: 'POST //piwik.php HTTP/1.1', upstream: 'fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock:', host: ''. If you were asking me: MariaDB (none) select. from matomo.matomooption where optionname like 'reporttoinvalidate%';+-+-+-+ optionname optionvalue autoload +-+-+-+ reporttoinvalidate12018-4 1 0 reporttoinvalidate12018-0 1 0 reporttoinvalidate12018-1 1 0 +-+-+-+3 rows in set (0.00 sec). I have to admit, I'm not using the python script for this, so maybe our custom loader has helped with this issue as well.

Serialization Failure: 1213 Deadlock Found When Trying To Get Lock Back

But I had to make those changes to get it to work even with our loader. I'll look again soon and try to reproduce with the I don't have the free time to look at this right now though. I think maybe the report invalidation transaction should be moved out of this path. Maybe make another API call out of it that just sets the value and commits, and get it out of the mix all together.

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