Pictures Of Rounded Drywall Corners

Most images on the web are either square or rectangle. Sometimes however we may need round images or rounded rectangle. For example, many business websites have a staff page with round thumbnails of staff members in the team. If you want rounded corners for avatars or images, you may think of Photoshop, the most well known image editor software. This tool is very powerful in editing and creating all kinds of image files, but it may be difficult to use for beginners. We deserve an easier way to merely add round corners to images.

In fact, the Office Word, the most well-known word processor, can help you round a corner of a rectangle in easy steps. Create round images or round corners using WordLaunch Word on your PC and create a new blank document. Then click Insert tab, click the down arrow below Shapes, then choose a ready-made shape, in this case you can choose Oval if you want to create round photos, or choose Rounded Rectangle if you like to add round corners to a rectangle picture. We will choose the latter in this demo. Drag the borders of the added shape to the size you need. Click the down arrow besides Shape Fill, choose Picture from the drop-down menu. Instead of filling the shape with color or texture, we will fill the rounded rectangle with the picture we like to add rounded corners to.

Pictures of rounded drywall corners pictures

Browse to the image file you like to edit and insert the picture into the shape in Word document. See below screenshot. Press Ctrl+C or right click on the Oval or Rounded Rectangle in Word and choose Copy.

This will copy the rounded image to clipboard. Now we need to paste it to an image editor on PC. We recommend the Windows Paint app which you can find in the Windows OS. You can find it from Start All apps Windows Accessories Paint. Create a new file in Paint app, paste the rounded image from clipboard to MS Paint app. Drag and drop the borders in paint to remove unnecessary blank area.

Pictures Of Rounded Drywall Corners Walls

Currently MS Paint can’t save images with transparency. The blank area in the background will become part of the output image file. Save the image file from Paint app to your computer hard drive and you get the image with rounded shape or rectangle picture with rounded corners.

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