New California Republic Population

  1. New California Republic Army
  2. New California Republic Population

Click to expand.IMHO, in a pure numbers war, NCR would smack the ECBoS down easily. But the ECBoS have some rather nasty, nasty capabilities that can't be ignored.

New California Republic Army

Massive air superiority advantages with a fleet of Vertibirds and the Prydwen, not to mention the implacatable juggernaught known as Liberty Prime. And now, we know, the ECBoS does have production abilities with being able to produce T-60 series power armor.I do not know the current status of things such as Adams Airforce Base, Raven Rock, the Base Crawler, or all the goodies thay may have gotten their hands on through things like Zeta Tech, but if all that were on the table. IMHO, in a pure numbers war, NCR would smack the ECBoS down easily. But the ECBoS have some rather nasty, nasty capabilities that can't be ignored. Massive air superiority advantages with a fleet of Vertibirds and the Prydwen, not to mention the implacatable juggernaught known as Liberty Prime. And now, we know, the ECBoS does have production abilities with being able to produce T-60 series power armor.I do not know the current status of things such as Adams Airforce Base, Raven Rock, the Base Crawler, or all the goodies thay may have gotten their hands on through things like Zeta Tech, but if all that were on the table.

Click to expand.I'm. Pretty sure I covered that in my post. I do not recall the NCR having a fully functioning fleet of tanks, but I do recall them having some captured vertibirds from the Enclave's Navarro base.

And I wouldn't say the NCR's production capability is THAT massive. If they were, then why would they need the Gun Runners, or the Van Graff's supplies at all? The debacle at the Mojave proves that, at least with Frontier NCR territories, logistics is run like well used toilet paper, and to be fair, it's the frontiers a returning ECBoS would hit first. Pretty sure I covered that in my post. I do not recall the NCR having a fully functioning fleet of tanks, but I do recall them having some captured vertibirds from the Enclave's Navarro base.

And I wouldn't say the NCR's production capability is THAT massive. If they were, then why would they need the Gun Runners, or the Van Graff's supplies at all? The debacle at the Mojave proves that, at least with Frontier NCR territories, logistics is run like well used toilet paper, and to be fair, it's the frontiers a returning ECBoS would hit first. Click to expand.But New Vegas was Ten Years ago. By Fallout 4, the weaknesses of the NCR have decreased and their territory and military must have grown and developed.The Van Graffs would supply Plasma weapons in greater quantities and qualities to the NCR.NCR's control over the Mojave would have been solidified by 4, they also would have a presence on former Legion territories as well.The NCR's artillery which is vastly superior to the Minutemen's would prove to be a decisive advantage on the land. Click to expand.Fallout New Vegas in 2281, Fallout 4 in 2287, so 6 years.Now, as for how much the NCR have solidified and expanded in those 6 years, while that is certainly possible, do not forget the original reason they were bottlenecked in the Mojave in the first place, because of beurocratic red tape, political corruption, and that their frontier logistics were really, really bad. Even if they solidified control over the mojave and expanded southeast towards Arizona in the wake of a Legion collapse, the first territories the ECBoS would discover, then confront would be any newly established NCR territory.

Although we don't have a clear number of Brotherhood military number strength, I would like to say that BOS has become an Enclave Robotic Teutonic Order on the path of building an empire on the East. If we give BOS around 10 years after Fallout 4, they can certainly build an empire and possibly abolish the old isolationist ideal of BOS (the new BOS is very liberal).I wonder wherever Eastern BOS took control of the steel industrial plants (DLC event), and why don't they bring those Sentry Bots (guarding citadels) to Commonwealth?I mean Gunners have some Assaultrons and Sentry Bots, and if BOS can industrialize them like the Mechanist they have a higher chance of winning against NCR. Although we don't have a clear number of Brotherhood military number strength, I would like to say that BOS has become an Enclave Robotic Teutonic Order on the path of building an empire on the East. If we give BOS around 10 years after Fallout 4, they can certainly build an empire and possibly abolish the old isolationist ideal of BOS (the new BOS is very liberal).I wonder wherever Eastern BOS took control of the steel industrial plants (DLC event), and why don't they bring those Sentry Bots (guarding citadels) to Commonwealth?I mean Gunners have some Assaultrons and Sentry Bots, and if BOS can industrialize them like the Mechanist they have a higher chance of winning against NCR. Click to expand.If the Lone Wanderer did liberate the Pitt, then I would assume he would have given Lyons and the brotherhood all the access they want. Which raises further implications of wether or not the brotherhood would just haul scrap steel from everywhere they scrounge on the east coast for parts. I'm not really convinced yet that hey have taken up things like mining and farming yet, although the possibility rises dramatically with Project Purity operational.I think they kept their robot fleet back at the citadel for defense, as there is no real way of knowing how far along they have proceeded in destroying the Enclave and V87 Super Mutant threat yet.

But i would say that the Pitt, Adams AFB, Zeta's assembly lines, and their own robot fleet remains in operation. Elder Maxson, liberal in his thinking and conservative in his technological ideals, tries to forge an empire like British Empire even adapting the usage of 'Ad Victoriam' among his ranks. Maxson allows to grant an exception to recruit all children into BOS, while kinda laying off strict testing for adult wanderers in the East. He is building an army with air superiority, advanced robotic technology such as Liberty Prime, and a large supplies of medical stashes from Capital Wasteland or elsewhere.

If we give him around a decade, he can stretch his empire across all the East Coast of US, from Delaware to Florida (assumed that Sole Survivor sided with BOS).It is very likely that next Fallout game will have BOS clashing with NCR, and I predict that BOS will no longer bear the name of BOS but will be like 'Imperium of Steel'. Elder Maxson, liberal in his thinking and conservative in his technological ideals, tries to forge an empire like British Empire even adapting the usage of 'Ad Victoriam' among his ranks. Maxson allows to grant an exception to recruit all children into BOS, while kinda laying off strict testing for adult wanderers in the East. He is building an army with air superiority, advanced robotic technology such as Liberty Prime, and a large supplies of medical stashes from Capital Wasteland or elsewhere.

If we give him around a decade, he can stretch his empire across all the East Coast of US, from Delaware to Florida (assumed that Sole Survivor sided with BOS).It is very likely that next Fallout game will have BOS clashing with NCR, and I predict that BOS will no longer bear the name of BOS but will be like 'Imperium of Steel'. Click to expand.The Eastern BoS clashing with the NCR seems very unlikely given that there's an entire continent between the two. They're literally on opposite sides of North America and it's not like the entire wasteland is empty. It would only happen assuming decades, if not centuries, of continuous and never ending expansion and the lack of any other major powers within the American wastelands to prevent said growth. While also assuming that they don't have any diplomatic contact with each other long before they actually share a border.

Ncr fallout 2

New California Republic Population

The Eastern BoS clashing with the NCR seems very unlikely given that there's an entire continent between the two. They're literally on opposite sides of North America and it's not like the entire wasteland is empty. It would only happen assuming decades, if not centuries, of continuous and never ending expansion and the lack of any other major powers within the American wastelands to prevent said growth. While also assuming that they don't have any diplomatic contact with each other long before they actually share a border. Now, I dunno about anyone else, but with airpower and the carrying capacity of the Prydwen, I'm pretty sure the ECBoS could deploy back to the East Coast any time they wanted. And from what I can tell, unless another military force of significant size arises in the 4 years it takes to reach FO4, or the extra 5 years of prep time, the only truly significant faction between the Brotherhood and even the eastern Legion territories is the Reaver Movement. The minor factions left fighting around the Midwest aint going to do much.

Click to expand.Sole Survivor has a constant running factor that can replace 2 robots with 10 more, and they can fire deadly laser, Force Lightning, and cryo splash. Hell, I will will just build 2000 stealth force lightning bladed assaultrons to charge at Big MT. Sole Survivor even has crazier speech skill than The Courier, SS can 'hold up' in Metal Gear Solid style with anyone at anytime.If we use Institute ending, then Big MT is finished.

SS with Insitute with already having massive synths and laser weaponry production combined with robotic factory is a godstomp. Sole Survivor has a constant running factor that can replace 2 robots with 10 more, and they can fire deadly laser, Force Lightning, and cryo splash. Hell, I will will just build 2000 stealth force lightning bladed assaultrons to charge at Big MT. Sole Survivor even has crazier speech skill than The Courier, SS can 'hold up' in Metal Gear Solid style with anyone at anytime.If we use Institute ending, then Big MT is finished. SS with Insitute with already having massive synths and laser weaponry production combined with robotic factory is a godstomp.

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