Ims Post Processor Full Download

If you're going for full integration- then hands down, ICAM is theway to go. With ICAM, you can buy licensed software to create yourOWN control emulators. When I worked for another company, I did aLOT of research into it, and we went with ICAM.

The other companiesdidn't even compare.I don't know about licensing. Machine Builder is for makingmachines to use with Machine Simulation.

Machine Simulation licensewill run posted G-code- either posted with Icam in Catia, or postedoutside of Catia with an outside executable post.Are you looking to replace Vericut with Catia machine simulation?Just so you know, Catia machine simulation doesn't do a real'Auto-diff'. It just shows colors on screen to represent undercuts,not a real list of faults and WHERE in the program they occured. Tome, that makes it kind of redundant, to have to run machine sim-and then run Vericut again anyways.If you want to see the machinemotion, why not look at Predator? For about $12,000 you get fullmachine sim on G-Code, in a real windows environment, and thegraphics are top-notch- it runs very fast and uses comparitivelylittle machine resources. The actual machine and control buildingis much more intuitive. I've told them that as soon as they canmake a real LIST of faults and where they occur (instead of justthe colors on screen like Catia) that I'll buy a seat right away.It's on their top list of things to include.

Ims Post Processor Full Download Windows 7

Ims Post Processor Full Download

Anyhow, justsomething to think about. Another post to look at is G-Post from Austin NC.

Now it isn't asfully integrated with CATIA as ICAM is but the post processor isvery robust and the people there are wonderful. I always get a fastresponse to any question I have.

Ims Post Processor Full Download Free

Also we haven't run into anythingwe couldn't do for our 3, 4, and 5 axis machines. With G-Post youhave to create an.aptsource file from withing CATIA and then postit but I'm sure anyone that can write a VB script could automatethe process pretty well. I believe it's less expensive than ICAMtoo if that matters.

Lastly, it's a stand alone APT processor. Youcan write APT programs and process them with G-Post. We also use itwith our NCL system.JM2C. Thanks for the feedback Dave. Austin NC was the first company Icalled today since we already own that one. One problem I'm tryingto solve though is how to keep things revision controlled. I washoping that there was a complete CATIA solution so that once theprocess file is posted it can be checked into our PLM Smarteam andthe revision control would be there.

That way there's less chanceof a programmer altering the posted code manually such thatreposting the process file later wouldn't give you the sameresults. Right now our APT file gets automatically linked to thecatprocess that it was generated from and is saved into Smarteamalong with the catprocess. If anything is revised after that, Iknow about it.

External posts like CIMPRO won't really lock thingsdown to the degree that I'm looking for. Posted By nbettin on 26 Jul 2010 02:22 PMThanks Bryan for the great response. Anybody else?I'm not interested in the machine builder as much as the simulationof my code on a solid model of the machine, part, and fixture. Butyour references to Vericut make me think that the CATIA simulatorwon't actually run on my posted g-code. Is that what you'resaying?It also sounds like you're saying that there's no display of thecode execution as the simulation runs so you can't see what blockis being executed?Noah,You can simulate g-code in CATIA.

It requires machine builder,machine simulator, and Control emulators.I talked about this in some detail, a while back. I will search forthe thread and bring it up.I do not see it a Vericut VS CATIA, but Vericut PLUS CATIA.If you need several seats of MS, I would recomend BOTH.CATIAgive you integration, for right now checking. Vericut as Bryanstated, has a much more extensive set of diagnostic tools,and runs independent of the CAM system.I have machine builder, and like it. It give you check reachabilityfunctionality that is static.

A MS license allows simulation of thetoolpath. CE's allow g-code.DaveF.

I would advice you to look into CENIT as they really have aintegrated don't have to buy VERICUT & or ICAM.We have done quiet a few system integration with CENIT for 5 axis/6axis works beautifully inside CATIA AND ICAM/VERICUT way is bitcomplicated as you are outside CATIA and simulate.when you find a collisions/error, you have to go back into catiaand fix it and then back again. So its painfull iterations.using CENIT, you stay inside CATIA and just flip workbenches.NOT to mention ICAM AND VERICUT will get very expensive as theycharge large amounts on ALC and support.even for a small change you have to pay.CENIT unfortunately does'nt do a good job marketing wise, so noneof the american vendors know about them.they are located in Michigan and have a highly knowledgeable stafffor 2 cents on CATIA NC simulation. Yup, you can simulate the aptsource without a control emulator, andthe machine will move to the nearest possible solution for thecurrent tool axis point and vector. If you trust your post 100%,this is usually good enough.For a dual rotary table, I wouldn't trust ANY post 100%. Dualrotaries set up some complex mathematical situations, and the postoften has to make a choice between to equal positions.

There aretricks to programming to end up with as few points of singularityas possible, but still.machine simulation is mandatory fordual-rotary multi-axis continuous programming, or a careful at themachine dry-run must be performed.I avoid programming dual-rotaries from an outside contractposition, unless I'm sure that the customer is well familiar withthe issues involved.

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