Ethernet Stuck On Identifying Windows 10

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Ethernet Stuck On Identifying Windows 10 Mac


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First i would uninstall the network adaptor drivers in devmgmt.msc (Make sure you get the driver name before hand and downlaod a copy just incase)then the next thign would be to do internet conenction sharing from your working XP machine to Windows 7.On the xpmachine, goto ncpa.cpl right click the adaptor and click properties, then sharing tab. Tick the allow others to conenct. If it says the service needs to start then goto services.msc in run and scroll down to ICS and start the service. If this is a little too much just let me know lol.What thats going to do is see if the Windows 7 machine can get an IP from the Windows XP Machine.i forgot you are using ethernet and not Wifi on the windows 7 machine so the ICS wont work unless you have a cross over cable and plug that into the ethernet on the xp machine.Edited by JohnnyJammer, 05 December 2013 - 09:12 PM.

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