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Note: We’ll decline all APKs with ‘debug’ certificate, which are not safe.Trusted BadgeOfficial records from APKPure and Google Play confirm that the developer used a trusted and verified digital signature. The downloadable file is original and it has not been modified in any way.Why using SHA1 to check the identification of certificate is safe?That’s a cryptography problem. Please refer to the following authoritative information to check the reason.How do we make sure the updated Apps are real and created by the respective developers?1. All apps are verified prior to publishing.2. We make sure that the cryptographic signatures for new versions of all previously published apps match the original ones, which means we know if the new version APKs were signed by the real devs or someone pretending to be them.3.

For new apps that have never been published on, we try to match the signatures to other existing apps by the same developer. If there’s a match, it means that the same key was used to sign a previously known legitimate app, therefore validating the new upload. If we’re unable to verify the legitimacy of a new APK, we will simply not publish it on To see the full description of SURAH YASIN DAN DOA TAHLIL, please. Download SURAH YASIN DAN DOA TAHLIL apk for PC/Mac/Windows 7,8, helps you to install any apps/games available on Google Play Store. You can download apps/games to PC desktop with Windows 7,8,10 OS, Mac OS, Chrome OS or even Ubuntu OS. You can download apk files for your phones and tablets (Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Phone and other brands such as Oppo, Xiaomi, HKphone, Skye, Huawei) right on

Type name of your desired app (or Google Play store URL of the app) in search box and follow instruction steps to download apk files.Steps to download Android apps/games for phoneTo download and install applications or games from our website to your smartphone:1. Accept softwares installed from external sources (Settings - Apps - Unknown sources selected area)2. Download the apk file of the application you need (for example: SURAH YASIN DAN DOA TAHLIL) and save to your phone3.

Open the downloaded apk file and install. Rasulullah saw telah bersabda, bermaksud: 'Bacalah surah Yassin kerana ia mengandungi keberkatan', iaitu:1. Apabila org lapar membaca surah Yaasin, ia boleh menjadi kenyang.2.


Jika org tiada pakaian boleh mendapat pakaian.3. Jika org belum berkahwin akan mendapat jodoh.4. Jika dlm ketakutan boleh hilang perasaan takut.5. Jika terpenjara akan dibebaskan.6. Jika musafir membacanya, akan mendapat kesenangan apa yg dilihatnya.7.

Jika tersesat boleh sampai ke tempat yg ditujuinya.8. Jika dibacakan kpd org yg telah meninggal dunia, Allah meringankan siksanya.9. Jika org yg dahaga membacanya, hilang rasa hausnya.10.

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Jika dibacakan kpd org yg sakit, terhindar drpd penyakitnya.11. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: 'Sesungguhnya setiap sesuatu mempunyai hati dan hati al-Qur’an itu ialahYasin. Sesiapa membaca surah Yaasin, nescaya Allah menuliskan pahalanya seperti pahala membacaal-Qur’an sbyk 10 kali.12. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w lagi, 'Apabila datang ajal, org yg suka membaca surah Yaasin pada setiap hari,turunlah beberapa malaikat berbaris bersama Malaikat Maut. Mereka berdoa dan meminta dosanyadiampunkan Allah, menyaksikan ketika mayatnya dimandikan dan turut menyembahyangkan jenazahnya'.13.

Download Free Format Yasin Dan Tahlil L En

Malaikat Maut tidak mahu memaksa mencabut nyawa org yg suka membaca Yaasin sehingga datangMalaikat Ridhuan dari syurga membawa minuman utknya. Ketika dia meminumnya alangkah nikmatperasaannya dan dimasukkan ke dlm kubur dgn rasa bahagia dan tidak merasa sakit ketika nyawanyadiambil.14. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda selanjutnya: 'Sesiapa bersembahyang sunat dua rakaat pada malam Jumaat,dibaca pada rakaat pertama surah Yaasin dan rakaat kedua Tabaroka. Allah jadikan setiap huruf cahaya dihadapannya pada hari kemudian dan dia akan menerima suratan amalannya di tangan kanan dan diberikesempatan membela 70 org drpd ahli rumahnya tetapi sesiapa yg meragui keterangan ini, dia adalahorg-org yg munafik.

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